Chances (IW shot)

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(A/N: I think it's time for a scene on this movie guys.)
Inside the Infinity Stone

3 months later....
'A long way down is where it takes us..'

It's been 3 months..

3 months, That's the longest time they're were in the Infinity stone.

But they don't know that time doesn't exist in this empty place.

It's really suffocating and depressing and that's how everybody's feeling right now.

They were still walking and walking until one of them can't take it anymore.


Everyone turn around to see the person who said that. And it was Quill looking at them.

"What do you mean 'That's it'?" Peter asked confused, The innocent one in the group but he has been through lots of deep stuff.

"Don't you get it?!? We're stuck HERE! In this orange damn PLACE!" Quill shouted frustrated, Can't take the silence any longer. Everyone looked at him with sympathy and mostly desparation.

Strange stepped forward and slap him across the face.

Everyone gasped in shock.

"Listen here, Nice and closely" He said menacingly, He touch the red spot forming on his cheek and winced.

"I know we've been here for 3 goddamn months! But we're not losing hope of being saved or get out of here and if you're complaining then maybe you should be Quiet." He glared at him angrily and went back to the spot he was once standing.

Nobody didn't say nor move.

Peter glance between the two men, Scared if he made them angry. By just asking a simple question.

He was starting to lose hope of getting out of this never-ending place of orange. He wants to see his mentor, His hero.

His Dad...

Everyone misses their family, Their friends and if they want to get out of this, They have to keep walking.

"M-Maybe we should keep walking...." Peter said quietly but everybody heard it because of how quiet the place is.

So, They kept walking and walking until they heard a voice.


They turned around to see the other Avengers in Wakanda. They gasped and run towards one another.

"Guys! Oh my god! Y-You're here and then you-"

Bucky stopped rambling and his gaze landed on Peter. Everybody started to look at the same direction as him.

"Who is this kid?" Bucky asked, his confused expression deepened as Peter started fidgeting and sweating.

"W-Well...Sir..I'm P-Peter...Peter Parker" He stuttered

"Oh, Don't call me Sir, It makes me sound old but nice to meet you Peter!" He said happily but depressing in his voice, He raise his hand to shake his and Peter shook his hand.

"Sooo.. Peter? What's a kid doing in this crappy place of orange?" Sam asked sarcastically but confused, He glanced downards and sigh.

"W-Well....remember the fight you have in Germany?" He replied hesitantly, The Avengers look at him. realization dawned on them as confused to shock appeared on their expressions.

Sam was the first one to recover "Y-You're SPIDER-MAN?!?" He said shocked and Peter nodded and did his famous Web-shooting motion.

"Hehe...Pew pew...?"
Part 2 will be coming soon on Theaters!

Lol, Just kidding.

"Damn...Spider-Man is a kid..."

"I am not a kid! I'm a Man!"

The avengers pointed at him, Bored expressions and bluntly said in unison:

"Yes you are."

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