Chapter 11

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"Wait, what?!" (Y/N) stood there with a completely shocked expression. "Oh, I forgot. You dont remember anything do you?" Acoustic asked. (Y/N) looked at her as if he was trying to decipher what she's saying. "Alright then, lets start from the beginning. First off, my name is Alexis (L/N), and Im your big sister. Well, older sister at least." She said comparing their heights and noticing she was quite a bit shorter. "You really have grown." She giggled. "Anyway, lets start from the beginning"

16 years ago

"So is it gonna be a boy or a girl Mommy?" Asked a 7 year old blonde girl. "Its gonna be a boy sweetie, you're gonna have your own baby brother." Answered an older woman with deep brown hair and emerald green eyes. "Yay!" The girl cheered. "Whens he gonna be here?" The girl asked. "He should be here anyday now." The woman answered jovially. "Come here sweetie" The girl went over to her mother.

"Listen" the woman said rubbing her pregnant belly. The girl laid her head on her Mother's stomach. "I can hear him Mommy." This caused the mother to giggle. "Hes listening to us right now. Anything you want to say?" The mother asked. "Hmmm. All I can think of is that Im super excited to meet him and I love him already!" She said with the biggest smile possible. "Im sure he cant wait to meet you too sweetheart." The mother said rubbing the top of the girls head.

3 weeks later

"AAAAHHHHH" The screams could be heard echoing through the halls of the hospital. This, was the miracle of child birth. "GET HIM OUT OF ME!!!" She continued to scream. "Its gonna be alright honey! Im here for you!" Said her husband trying to comfort her. "Push! Hes almost here!" Encouraged the doctor.

30 minutes later

"Hes a healthy baby boy!" The doctor said handing the baby to its mother. "Do you have a name?" He asked. "Yes, his name is (Y/N)" she said smiling at the baby. "A lovely name! Hes quite the calm child. Usually baby's cry and cry when they are first born, but he hasnt made a peep." The doctor noted. "I-is that healty?" The mother panicked. "Its perfectly healthy, its just a little abnormal." The doctor explained.

The baby started to stir. "Oh, hes waking up." The mother said excited. The baby started making unintelligible mumbles. "Hes so cute" she said tickling under the baby's chin. The baby started to giggle. "Such a happy baby." She said. "Alright, sorry Mrs (L/N) but Im gonna have to take him for a little while" the doctor stated not wanting to ruin the moment. "Aw, if you must." She handed the baby to the doctor. The baby didnt like that.

He started to cry for his mom. This was no ordinary baby cry, this was...different. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" the baby screamed. Th glass started to shatter and the doctor dropped to his knees.

Upon hearing the scream, the Father and Daughter rushed in from the waiting room. The scream brought the Father down as well. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" The scream was deafening. It was causing ears to bleed. The only person seemingly unaffected was the Daughter. "D-daddy?! Whats happening?!" She asked her father as he was trying to stand up. "HONEY! GO TO THE OFFICE! GET HELP!!" She sprinted out of the room and into the front office.

"I need a hero! My baby brother is crying and everyone is in pain!" She yelled to the receptionist. "Alright, stay her little one!" The girl nodded and didnt move an inch. After some time, Police and a handful of Pro heros arrived at the scene.

1 hour later

The police and heros finally left the room. One of the heros was holding the newborn baby. "Wheres my Mommy and Daddy?! Are they okay?!" The girl screamed. "Im sorry little one, they are somewhere better now." The officer said embracing her as she cried. "Where will me and my brother go?" She asked in between sniffles. "We will find a nice big home for you with lots of other kids, its gonna be awesome."

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