Chapter 10

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(Y/N) watched as everyone else finished up the race. He noticed there were only 44 placing positions. "Huh? I guess only the top 44 will be allowed in the next event"

Midnight then assembled all the contestants who had passed the first trial. "Alright, I will now explain the rules for the next game! Everyone who passed the first game has now been assigned a point value. 44th has 5 points, 43rd has 10, and it continues up from there. 1st place however, HAS 1,000,000 POINTS!!" (Y/N) then noticed everyone glaring at Midoriya with Killer Intent.

"Teams will be comprised of up to 4 people. The overall point value of the team is the sum of all the members of the team. Your goal is to capture other teams headbands and aquire as many points as possible. The team with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!"

"So having higher point values on your team means stronger allies, but it also makes you a bigger target." "You will all have 15 minutes to build your teams! Time starts now!" Midnight announced as a larger timer appeared on the screen displaying 15:00. The timer started ticking as everyone scrambled to build a team.

(Y/N) noticed there was a large crowd around Bakugo, mostly of 1-A members. "Everyone please remind me of your quirks, and your names!" Bakugo yelled to the crowd. "Same old Bakugo, the more things change the more they stay the same" "Hey (Y/N)!" He turned to see his girlfriend Momo calling out to him. He gave her a gentle smile and a wave. "We should be on the same team, now we just need 2 more." She started looking around.

"Momo..." Both Momo and (Y/N) turned to see Todoroki with Kaminari and Iida behind him. "I need you on my team, C'mon." He motioned for her to follow him. "H-hang on! (Y/N) and I are gonna be on a team! Is there space for the both of us?" Todoroki looked at her and shook his head. "No, I only have 1 more slot and I need you for it to work." He said deadpan. "Sorry, I will have to-" she stopped as (Y/N) put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a thumbs up.

<Its fine Momo, go join his team!> "What?! No! I need you on my team Darling!" She said almost panicked <Momo, I want you to be able to show how amazing you are. You'll be able to do that on Todoroki's team! Dont worry about me! I will see you in the last game> he gave her a kiss on the cheek and a wink as he ran off to look for a team. She turned hesitantly and followed Todoroki.

"I gotta find a team soon. Momo and Kaminari have one. Maybe I could group with Izuku? Nah, hes got a team too. Bakugo? No way, I wouldnt if he wanted me to" His thought were quickly interrupted. "Are you still looking for a team?" He turned to see the same purple haired boy that challenged his class. (Y/N) gave him a quick nod. Shinso had a shocked expression on his face but quickly went back to his usual poker face.

"Alright, follow me" (Y/N) complied as he followed the boy to see his classmates Ojiro and Aoyama. He waves at them only for them not to move at all. (Y/N) starts to notice their eyes are glazed over, like theyre zombies. <Hey, whats goin on with these two> he asked Shinso. "I guess they are just focused on the competition" he said with an almost sinister smirk. "Note to self: dont trust this guy"

They got into the cavalry position with Shinso on top, Ojiro on the left, Aoyama on the right, and (Y/N) in the front. (Y/N) started to take note of all the teams. Izuku had Uraraka, Tokoyami and that pink haired girl from before. "Knowing Izuku he must have a plan. He's probably just gonna stay on the defensive." He then looked to Todoroki's team. "Nice plan Todoroki. Iida for speed, Kaminari for AOE [Area of Effect] and Momo for utility." He kept looking around at other teams and his eyes fell upon Bakugo. "Of course Bakugo's team looks super strong. Nothing I cant handle though" (Y/N) smirked as he had a plan.

"Alright, here is the plan. Try and earn a few points from weaker teams and then stay out of the line of fire. Got it?" Shinso asked. (Y/N) gave him a simple nod. The starting pistol was fired and everyone was on the move. Shinso was providing directions as (Y/N) followed them. They were doing alright as they knocked out 2 other teams. All of the sudden... "We will be taking these!" A blonde boy yelled as he snatched all 3 of their headbands! "Monoma..." Shinso growled.

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