Episode 1 : Part 3

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Elena's P.O.V.

I walked into The Grill. Everything was left as it was since the night. I looked around and I found Damon's car. There weren't any remains of his stuff but it was still his car, but he wasn't in the car. He would've made it back with me if he'd of been wearing his seat belt.. He probably never wears his seat belt. Wore his seat belt I mean. I walked over to his body. Most of him was burnt, and it made me sad to look at him. I sat him up against the wall and took his hand. "I love you." I said. I felt dumb saying it to a dead body, but it was still Damon. I could feel him watching over me.. even though it was impossible because The Other Side is gone. I could just feel his presence. Every since I became a vampire I haven't had a journal..but I bough I new one to right in, and I haven't written in it yet. So I'll start now.

Dear diary

This is my first entry of this journal. I have this weird thing that I need to write down my thoughts when I'm in time of sadness or need. This time, it's sadness. That's what it usually is. I lost Damon and Bonnie this week, and I don't know what to do without them. They both changed my life so much and now they're gone. Bonnie was my best friend. She was beautiful, she was strong, and she was a witch. Damon was my boyfriend. He was there whenever I needed comfort. He was protective, sexy, and he was a vampire. I still have hope. Hope that we can get them back. Hope that I'll see them again. But hope, can sometimes just be a way of rememberence. That may sound a bit crazy, but my hope is real. And I believe that someday I will

Someone was entering The Grill. I set my book in Damon's hand and I stood up. "Hello? Who's there?"

No answer. I grabbed a sharp stick and walked out into the bar part of The Grill. No one was there. I heard a lot of people talking outside. If I scream, someone will come and help me. "I will scream if you come at me."

Someone lunged toward me from behind and covered my mouth with their hand. They werent hurting me. It had to be someone I knew. They let hold of me and I spun towards them. "Stefan?"

"Shh..there are a ton of people out side."


"They're knocking this place down! Get everything that you want out before they do so! We have to get your body too, or I don't know what they'll think." He said.

"Okay you get my body, I'll get Damon's body."

"Elena, you don't need Damon's body"

"Stefan! Yes I do! Just please get me."

Stefan grabbed my body and went out the back door. I looked at Damon. Should I take him? I grabbed his body and my journal and went out the back door. "Stefan! Wait up!"

"What are you going to do with his body?"

"Bury him. Give him a tombstone."

"And with you?"

"I don't want to do anything with me, I should've died with him." I said.

"Then we'll bury you with him."

I picked a spot behind his house where there we're flowers and an open spot. Matt helped us bury them. Once they were done. We arranged a funeral. Not for me. But for Damon and Bonnie.

Two hours later, Caroline showed up with Stefan. Matt showed up with Rebekah. I don't know why her but that's who he brought. Tyler and Enzo came alone. And I was with Jeremy and Alaric. Jeremy knew Damon and Bonnie both well, so he spoke.

"I knew Damon as stupid and rude, but he was a great guy. That may not make sense, but Elena changed him, and he changed her. He became someone that I could talk to for advise and I didn't have to worry about him hurting me like I used too. He took care of me when Elena couldn't, and he surely kept me in line. While Damon was here, with us, he changed us all greatly, and he still changes us while he's.. Not here." Jeremy is a great speaker. I was crying through his entire speech. And now it was time for Bonnie. "Bonnie was a hero, much like Damon, but even though she wasn't a witch anymore, she still helped us. She brought me back to life like 200 times, and she brought most of you guys back at one point or another too. But since the witches stopped the spell, damon couldn't get through and back onto earth. The last time I saw Bonnie, was when the other side was going down. And she just disappeared. I couldn't touch her, she was just gone. The last word I said directly to her was dare. I said 'Don't you dare.' And she did. She left me, but she couldn't do anything about leaving us. They will be missed. "

Everyone was crying. Even Stefan, and I get why he's crying, he lost his brother, but I don't usually see Stefan crying. Caroline was comforting him as she cried. They were cute together. I'm happy that Stefan's happy.

About 15 minutes later, everyone was gone, except me. I sat down next to the place Damon was buried. I was there for quite a while and I fell asleep.

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