Could we be more than friends (larry stylinson fanfiction) chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V

" Louis"I called out from the window

I got off from my bed ran down
stairs and out the door

It was weird I couldn't process everything

A bus went passed

So louis would be waiting there

I ran to the bus stop

Louis was sitting on the bench slowly panting

I walked up to him and sat down

"H-hey" I stuttered

He didn't reply


"Harry leave me alone"

"You're the one who showed up at my house remember"

"No I was just, you know walking past"

Oh come on louis you know that's not the truth"

Louis got up leaving the bus stop he made it at least 5 meters until I came to realisation and went after him

I grabbed his arm

Turning him forward

"Leave me alone"

"But how are you going to get home"

"Walk I'll just walk simple"

"Yeah and how many miles is that"

He stopped

His deep blue eyes looked into mine

"So why did you really come to my house"

"I just wanted to talk about...about yesterday really"

He said staring at the ground not really fully concerned

"You mean the kiss"

"Yeah that"

A few seconds fast before anyone else responded

"It was weird" i finally say

"I guess. i haven't kissed many guys before " he said

I take my eyes off the ground to see that he has done the same
His eyes the shade of blue of the Tenerife sea
"Many" I say suggesting he has kissed a guy before
"Just once before it meant nothing really" he says

He's staring at me

Before my mind can stop me I step closer to him, quickly grab his face cupping my to hands around his cheek

I have never seen Louis this vulnerable before he's always been so crazy it seemed like his old cherry loud self was all an act

I bring my lips closer to his lips he doesn't seen to get angry it almost as he wants me to kiss him

but before i could he quickly jerks his lips from mine

"I don't want this " he says walking back from me

"i-i just thought"

"Harry leave me alone" he said standing right in front of me

He seem confused like he wasn't sure what to make of me trying to kiss him

There was light in the distance. A bus was arriving

Louis had made it to the bus stop
The bus arrived and he entered without looking back

I headed home myself

As I got in the house I remembered that Eva was still here

"Hey where have you been"

"Oh just went for a stroll" I lie
"Did you find Louis?" She says

Oh no damn I hate lying



"Oh harry I was thinking we should meet up at lunch time at Nando's"

"Oh so you want to sneak out as well" I say with a smirk

"Well yeah I mean I think we both need a treat"

"Um okay"

"So are you okay with sneaking out of school I don't think you've done it before" I say

"Well actually I have one time I forgot my homework at home so I sneaked out of school to go and get it"

I laugh and we both end up laughing

"Anyway I think I better go its getting a bit late" she says putting her coat on

She pulls me into a hug wrapping her to arms around my neck and tiptoeing

It was strange because we have never hugged like this before

I didn't know what to do with my hands so I just wrapped it around her waist

We were stood in this embrace for longer than I anticipated to

She finally let go of my neck her cheeks were showing a bit if pink maybe she was cold or something

We said our goodbyes and she left

I looked at my clock and its already 10:30 pm I better head off to bed

But yet again for the second time in a row the image of Louis couldn't get out of my mind

the funny thing is that I've never felt this way with anyone one not even a girl.



I hoped you enjoyed this chapter it's currently midnight

But yeah I know this is quite a short chapter but I promise next chapter is gonna be longer can't wait for you too read it I've got something good planned

Please vote and fan :)


Hi I totally forgot to publish this chapter omg I'm so sorry
Anyway Happy new year

Could we be more than friends? (Larry Stylinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now