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The only way Lillian could guarantee waking up at this (relatively) ungodly hour without making a fuss out of slamming down her alarm clock was to guilt-trip herself before falling asleep. She'd tell herself that if she didn't wake up early enough to welcome the new band, they'd deem her as rude and stiff, something she'd hoped she'll never be. That way, her conscience would force her to get up.

With a bit of a struggle, she'd managed to wake up at near 7 AM---which, by her own lazy standards, was quite early. At least it meant that she'd be able to get out and groom the horses early enough to greet the new tenants.

Feeling a bit sticky from the hot night she'd slept, she felt like immediately showering. Thankfully, she thought as she wore her slippers while tumbling out of bed, she had her own bathroom, separated from the rest of the rooms on the second floor; which meant that she wouldn't be risking any nasty run-ins with musicians.

Half an hour later, and feeling significantly refreshed, she stepped out of the main house with a cheerful, dazzling smile on her face as she'd noticed the apparent improvement of the weather. The grass rustling under her feet in the light summer breeze, and the sun only warming her without suffocating her with the combined humidity, her trip to the stables and field felt much nicer than the day before.

Hell; even the flowery white and plum see-through shirt she wore made her feel as though the weather was all the merrier.

Twisting the door handle of the front stable door, she began to make her way to the end of it to begin her daily routine.

However, she was quite surprised to find a figure crouching down near the floor, already holding a bucket and sponge in his hands.

She quietly observed. The person, whomever they were, had calloused-looking hands, with veins popping as they gently washed at the beautiful scathingly white coat that could only belong to the majestic Arab Pascal.

The long, slightly wavy light chestnut hair could've fooled her into thinking that it was a female at work, but judging from the broadness of the figure's back, and from the way they were sitting so relaxedly, showed her that it was, in fact, a man. And it made her smile even broader, knowing that another person had a similar interest in horses.

The brunette walked to the switches on the wall and turned on the lights, causing the man to place the sponge in the bucket and turn around.

The first thing that Lillian thought of as soon as she saw his face, was that he looked unbelievably kind. His almond-shaped green eyes that held a light grey hue to them sparkled gently, a bright smile on his rather thin lips. Perhaps his nose was a little longer than she was used to seeing, but oddly enough, it suited his youthful features quite well. All in all, he was a rather handsome young man, all clad in tight jeans and a fitting silk navy shirt with long sleeves.

"Morning, I hope I'm not a bother," his voice was even gentler than his appearance, something she'd had doubts was possible.

"Oh no!" she rushed sweetly, "Not at all. It's nice to have someone help me a little every once in a while."

He chuckled a little, before turning back to sponging Pascal, "My wife and I really love horses. We ride them whenever we're on holiday or such."

"Oh, you're married?" she asked in surprise, before glancing at the rough hands that were softly stroking at the horse, taking notice of the ring on his left hand, as the man in return nodded.

"She's been my sweetheart since we were young, and we just got married this year," he smiled fondly as he spoke of his lover, "It's about time, you know."

"That's wonderful," she sighed, "Wish I'll have something like that one day."

"You definitely will, you're a beautiful lady!" he quipped optimistically, before stumbling over his words, and mumbling a little to himself, "Oh, how rude of me, I haven't introduced myself!" he returned the sponge one final time to the bucket, and hastily wiped his wet hands on his jeans.

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