Hide and Seek

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⚠⚠ Smoking hot scene ⚠⚠
"Um, Yeah. It's Lilly, Chase has a thing for calling me shortcake. For the obvious reason." He chuckles and looks down at me.
" So why exactly are you in my room, with food?" He points other to the stack of food I have stored up.
"Oh well you see I was hungry and I took my chance to run in the kitchen grab food and run back out. I ran into the first room I saw and that is how I got here."
That's when he bursts out laughing.
"Okay so let me get this straight you stole food ran from Chase and came in here so you could eat it, and now Chase is looking for you?" I nod. He smirks and grabs his phone typing some stuff and then looks back at me.
"You better go find a new place to hide shorty." No he did not. I grab some of the food and run out. I don't know were I am but I will not loose. As I kept running I notice a hall that was similar and run to the door. Yes I found my bedroom. I run inside locking the door making sure no one is inside.  Yes clear. "Good job Aggent Lilly, you have saved the world from hunger so I will treat you with some of this food." I whisper to myself as I grab a delious precious green pepper (Bell pepper I think that's what people call them but green peppers is what I call them) I walk to my bed flopping on it and eating my pepper.
It's been about 5 minutes and I ate a green pepper and some other stuff I found. When the door to my bathroom moves. No not today Satin. I grab a apple and run to my closet. Hiding in my already mess of clothes. Making sure I bury myself and watch the door. And here it comes Lilly take cover it's coming, you didn't spend 5 years of combat training for nothing. I get ready and when the door opens I stay quiet and see the one and only Chase. I stay quiet as he looks aroumd.
"I swear I heard something." He mumbles to himself going on his stomach and looking under the bed. Okay Lilly, here's your chance to attack. I get out of my place quietly like a FUCKING NINJA. I walk other to him and jump on top of him smashing some wip cream that I grabbed  a while ago from my pile of food. Which was covered on my bed. He turns me around  so he is on top of me. His eyes crazy, in alarm and shock.
"What the hell Lilly, do you have any clue what you just did?" He says looking at my face for. Injuries? I got no clue so I shake my head. He sees my confusion and sighs.
" I told you not to go in any other room then ours."
" I can't  trust you around this house. I mean you just spent about 2 hours hiding in my BROTHERS room. I can't leave you alone, not with the people that live here." He says.  Oh so that was his brother .
"Your just lucky you went in my brothers room not any other room. The people here are not nice people, okay you have  to remeber I am still a gang leader and I still have men who are not like me. They will do unthinkable things to you that I don't want to even know. So please just stay with me at all times.  My brother luckily told me you were with him so I was not freaking out, but I still want you away from him, some times he is.... different." He drifts off looking away from me.
"Okay Daaadddddd." I say looking up at him. He is still tence from me but this time he was not as tence, he was between my legs and his arms were holding him up so he was not laying on top of me.
He chuckles lightly getting up and putting his hand out so I could stand up. I grab it smiling and when he pulls he uses to much force, I think, and I jump up. He chuckles throwing me on his shoulder and walking out. No my food.
"No not my baby!" I yell and he brings his head away from mine.
"What the hell Shortcake that's my fucking ear." He says taking me off his shoulder. Not all the way of course. He grabs my legs and wrap them around his hips so I am facing him.
"What you took me away from my food and I will not have it." He sighs turning around and going back. He opens the door and when he was about to let me go he threw me on the bed. THE BED. I gasp jumping up from being thrown  and glare up at him. I go crawl near my food but he just blocks me. I glare up at him before getting up on the bed making me taller and jump to the left then swing to the right getting past him and jumping to my food. Which mostly was healthy food but still I found green peppers (Bell peppers) and cucumbers which are like heaven food. (That is seriously the only healthy food I eat) he looks at me and comes closer to me, a evil glint in his eyes and a smirk. Oh shit run Lilly RUN. Ferget the food run for your life.  But food is my life.
True but right now you will be killed.
"Bye." I wave and run out. Finding stairs and running up some staires.

I think I have ran up about 3 flights of staires. I get up the last step now tired and see a room with just one door, the hall was very small and the door looked good to hide. I open the door and see a attic with boxes and a window. Dang what is with me and attics. Why don't I ever find basements?
Hmm, maby because you went upstairs Lilly.
Shut up.
I shake my head walking to some boxes and looking in them. Oh heck yeah, I find some stuff that would go threw a room and start to make this my new hide out.
It's now 7 at night and I am to finally  done. It looks similar to this....

 It looks similar to this

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I lay in my new hammock. That I found in a corner. The couch was covered with a  tarp and boxes so after some cleaning and finding pillows I was satisfied with what I did. I go to play on my phone when I see about 35  texts from a unknown number. I open the text to see.....
Lilly this is Chase.
Were are you???
Seriously were are you????


And a lot more like that. I gulp and call him. He answer imediantly.
"We're are you?"
"Oh you know in a room I found that has no people inside, and just hanging out. Wasup?"
I could here him sigh lightly.
"Okay so why didn't you awnser your phone for about 5 hours."
"I had it off."
"My god Lilly you can't do that I was about to kill someone thinking you were hurt. I even had my brother help look for you. Now tell me were you are so I can punish you."
"NEVER" I scream before hanging up. After I did Chase called several times but I just turn my phone off grabbing a random book I find and start reading.
"Lilly, I found you." I hear a soft whisper in my ear. I swat at the voice and feel my hand connect with skin. Hold up what. I shoot up from the hamoch to see Chase. In my attic, bags under his eyes. What time is it?
"Oh hey Chase it's so nice to see you, so you see I never went back because I was scared to go back and find them so called people and I just stayed here." I chuckle lightly as he picks me up, and throws me on the couch.
"Oh really, so you were scared , more scared of the people then your punishment?" I gulp loudly. I fergot about that.
"Oh yeah I was also scared of that." He chuckles getting in between my legs, is this his place or something he seems to always be there.
"Oh welp it doesn't look like you were to scared." His eyes go a shade darker as he comes closer. His minty breath fanning my face.
"So what are you going to do to me? I haven't really eaten in 6 hours so I am really hungry, so maby you could do the punishment later."
He chuckles putting his face in my neck and started nibbling and licking it.
"I think that's just a excuse shortcake."
He says biting a little harder making me gasp at the feeling. Damn this feels good. My hands travel up his back to his hair and tugging on it. He groans loudly moving his hips under me. Fuck. I remeber I am wearing leggings and he is wearing jeans. Rock hard as he rubs on me. If I don't stop this it will get out of hand.
"C-Chase, mmm..." I try to talk but it feels to damn good. His lips are soft and him kissing my neck is just torture. I try to move his head to go to my lips but fail. As he just bites a little harder. His hands were holding onto my hips as I struggle. He finally attacks my lips as he starts slow but it soon goes faster and more hungry.

"Damn, shortcake you do taste like strawberries." He says out of breath. My lips and his swollen.
"As much as I want to continue we cant, it's about...." He looks other at a clock." It almost 1 in the morning and you spent the whole night hiding from me. So right now we need to stop and go to bed." I nod as he gets up. My legs still tight around his tourso.  As he gets up he puts a hand on my thigh so I don't fall down and walk out.
"How are you going to get down about 5 flights of staires?" I whisper in his ear. He groans, uhjusting me on him.
"There's a elevator shortcake. "
Hold up. There's been a elevator this whole time.
"So what your telling me is, there been a elevator there all this time and I ran up 5 flights of stairs for nothing.  I say looking at him?" He nods smirking. I sigh to exhausted to argue. Before I drift to sleep I hear Chase whisper," Good night Shortcake." Before I fall into darkness.

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