
395 17 30

(From the anime)
/Got 4 votes to sit with him out of 3 to help around and 0 for the last option/
You choose to sit with him, let's see how it goes...

Through guilt over how lonely he looked, you went over. "Hello sir, could I sit with you?"
"Sure" the gruffed man answered

Taking that, you sat in the comfortable booth facing him. Eraserhead took a drink from his coffee, looking a lot less tired. Having a café that always smells like coffee and desserts could revive any soul. Plus the very sweet cats around helped moods. And you were right seeing his negative flow going away.

"Work here?" the hero asked.
"No, I just come here regularly"
He nods "I'm guessing you already know who I am"
You shook your head, your excitement growing talking to a great hero. "Eraserhead right?"
He just silently nods "Did you want an autograph?" said almost as an everyday reaction.
Sadly you didn't have anything he could sign or really cared for one. He might be popular yet he's still human. "No thank you"
Shocked he just nods
"My name is (Y/N), sorry for being rude"
"No it's fine" he waves gently to the side. "It's nice to meet you" the hero's eyes sparkled with interests at how different you are to most of the public.

Through the soft noise of chatting and purring the two of you just talked about little stories. Oddly becoming friends with this bizarre man. Sadly it didn't last long, Eraserhead had to work. With that he went quickly. No way for communication outside of the cat Cafe.

You sighed once you put your head in your hand. Reality struck back at you from that pleasent conversation. Now you had to go somewhere, but where?


Book store

Grocery store

Or a walk in the mall

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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