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"alright guys, it's 1:48, remember our concert next tuesday! dress nice. you are dismissed." said my chorus teacher, mr.hillis. "except you quinlynn, i need to talk to you."

i love mr.hillis. so much. he's more of a father to me than my own father ever has been. and ive only known him for two months.

there are two things you should know about mr.hillis. one, he has dealt with anxiety and depression, so he understands me. and two, he is the most ambitious person known to man. he will always go above and beyond for anyone, especially his students.

"hey mr.hillis. what's up?" i ask as everyone else leaves the room. "i have amazing news quinlynn. absolutely amazing." i nod, confused as to what it is. "your voice is great, quin, and ever since you told me you wanted to pursue singing more, i have been looking at opportunities for you." he pauses for a moment, making sure im caught up. "mhm" i simply reply.

"well i did some digging around, and i found that there is a group going on tour. a musical tour. and well, they are actually looking for someone to do background vocals and the ukulele!" he said, waiting for a response. "oh my god that's great!" i said, smiling from ear to ear. "what um group are they?" i asked. "have you ever heard of stranger things?" he asked. my jaw dropped. "well, the whole cast is musically talented. so the decided to go on tour!!" he said with a smile.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" i scream with my hands on my head. "dead serious." he simply responded. "OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM OH MY GOD OH MY GOD." i said hyperventilating. but my excitement was quickly replaced with reality. "but i um, i can't. there are so many people that im sure are going to be auditioning. there's no way i could make it." "but see, that's where your wrong. i got into contact with one of the duffer brothers, the producers of the show, and the tour, and they are willing to send someone over to the concert tuesday, to see if you got what it takes." he said, with jazz hands. "oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god" i say as i find the nearest chair.

i finally catch my breath. "how?" I said as I look up at him. "how did you manage?" "well, I called their office, and surprisingly, the nice lady let me speak with ross duffer himself. I told him about you, and how special your voice is and how rich you are in talent. my speech skills pulled through, and i persuaded him to send someone over and watch you first hand."

all of this information finally settled in. i would have the chance to sing with my literal idols. on a tour. in front of millions of people.

but then a wave of anxious thoughts flooded my mind. mr.hillis noticed, and sat down next to me. "quinlynn, not only do you have everything it takes, but so much more. when you sing, people don't just hear you...

they feel you."

a/n - this is so #unrealistic. but it's finnnnee.

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