Chapter Fourteen

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Craig was pacing up and down Token's front room "anything?!"
Token shakes his head as Clyde sits down defeated "how has he just disappeared?"
Token shrugs "i have friends all over the different college and no-one's seen him"

Craig lights a cigarette and inhales "no-one's heard from him in FOUR months, what if Pete's hurt him or.." Clyde interrupts him "i'm sure he's ok, Pete's isolated him, we just need to find out where"
Craig sits "he's gonna think we forgot about him" he starts to cry, Token sits next to him "hey, you know that's not true, we are going to find him" he says as he puts him arm around Craig's shoulders.
"i know it's hard buddy, we are trying, we want him back too, it's just not the same without him" Clyde says shaking his head.
Craig had been obsessed with finding Tweek, they had been driving every night around different towns trying to spot anything that would lead them to Tweek, so far they had found nothing.
Kenny bursts through the door "I'VE SEEN PETE, COME ON!" They all rush outside to Craig's car.

They drive around a strange neighbourhood, it was nearly an hour's drive away from home, Kenny was frantically scanning the area.

"Here!" Kenny says and Craig slams on the brakes, "this is where i saw him, i've been out all day looking, he must live round here" Craig drives to somewhere he can park the car and they all get out and look around.
Token breaks the silence "he's an alcoholic right? maybe the bar staff know him?" he suggests looking at the pub down the road.
Craig's eyes light up "genius!" he says as he begins to run down the road with the group following.
They enter the pub and Craig approaches the bar maid "what can i get you boys?" she asks.
"information" Craig says "we are looking for someone, he's a classic goth with red hair, recently moved here we think"
The barmaid looks confused "uhm yeah, he comes in here quite a lot" Craig beams "i don't suppose you know where he lives?" she pauses "uh...he mentioned a new apartment, there's a complex not far from here, probably there, i don't know which apartment number though" she explains as she gives directions to the complex.

In the car, Craig is pumped "we are so close, we are going to find him tonight!"
Token sighs "we don't know which one though, complex's are big" Craig lights a cigarette "yeah well we will have to figure it out"

They soon pull up outside the complex, Token was right, this place was huge, he frowns, this would take awhile.
They approach apartments on each floor, giving a description of both Pete and Tweek, no luck so far, they all feel defeated as they get back in the lift going up yet another floor.
They walk the next corridor when Craig sees a flash of red out of the corner of his eye, he turns to see Pete locking the apartment door and turning to walk out, Craig runs and tackles the goth to the floor as the others look to see what's going on.

"WHERE IS HE YOU SON OF A BITCH" Craig screams as he repeatedly slams Pete's head off the floor.
Pete rolls so he is on top of Craig and begins punching him, Token rushes over and pulls the goth off Craig "he belongs to me!" Pete shouts at Craig.
"He's a person not a fucking possession!" Token shouts at Pete, everyone is shocked for a moment at Token's outburst. Craig tackles Pete to the ground again.
Kenny grabs the keys out of Pete's hand leaving Craig on top of him and runs to the apartment door and throws the door open "Tweeky?" he shouts as he looks around and rushes through the apartment.

He stops dead in his tracks when he hears a little voice.
Tweek is stood in the doorway leading into the kitchen, he looks broken and damaged, he was wearing clothes that were too big for him, making his small frame even smaller.
His hair was long and wild tied up in a sloppy ponytail, he was chewing on his thumbnail, eyes wide.


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