🌸Chapter 6🌸

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Sasuke stared at the girl practically in front of him. They didn't take their eyes off each other for a second. Why is Sakura here? Is she hurt? Sasuke questioned himself. A nurse came over to him and touched his shoulder gingerly. "Sir, do you need help?" The nurse asked as she gestured to the coffee. However, Sasuke ignored her. He clenched his fists until his knuckles bled white. Without saying anything, Sasuke walked off and disregarded the calls from the nurse. Sasuke stormed out of the hospital. He just couldn't believe that Sakura was in the hospital, let alone in a room right next to his brother and he never knew? After visiting Itachi for a long time, he never knew. What hurt the most was that Sakura never bothered to tell him. He knew something was wrong.

Sasuke shivered lightly as the snow falling from the sky landed on his neck and hands. He let out a warm breath and rubbed his hands together. How long has she even been going in and out of the hospital? Sasuke asked himself, clearly frustrated. Then, Sasuke remembered the time Sakura first bought those two coffees.

The pinkette swayed slightly, "Oh, a forever mocha and a black coffee to-go, please."

Sasuke, upon noticing her unsteady footing, suggested that Sakura takes a seat and that he'd come and bring the drinks to her.

"No, honestly, I'm fine." She laughed.

"Please, I insist."

By the time Sasuke had finished making the two beverages, Sakura had found herself a table and was busy tapping away on her phone keyboard as she waited.

"Here you go," he said, placing the drinks down on the table and pulling up a seat beside her.

...Wait, there are two coffees to-go on the table...

"Meeting someone?" He asked, gesturing towards the pair of cups.

"Yeah, actually, a... Close friend..."

Sasuke let out a dark and sad chuckle. "That coffee was for Itachi." He laughed a little louder before sighing deeply. "I'm so stupid.." He started. "So..so stupid!" Sasuke punched the air. He wanted to punch a wall, but he knew that it wouldn't do him any good. Once Sasuke got home, he slammed the door and stormed up to his room.

Hours later, after the incident, Sakura was released from the hospital. She visited Itachi for a bit before deciding to go home. She needed a shower and after so many years of going to the hospital, it started to make her feel disgusting just being in one.

Once Sakura got home, she tossed her purse and keys onto her table and walked up to her room. She shut the door and leaned her back against it, sliding down to the floor. She pulled out her phone and dialed her mother's number. Her mother picked up on the second ring. "Hey mom," Sakura started. "I got my results back today."

"How were they?" Her mother asks, voice laced with concern for her only daughter.

"Not good, but could be better," Sakura replied. "The treatment I'm getting seems to be helping a bit." Sakura smiled as her mother let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good, sweetie. Your father and I are so happy to hear that."

Sakura chuckles. "How is working in Africa so far? Getting any cool pictures? Did you pick up any souvenirs for me?" The pinkette wiggled her eyebrows even though she knew her parents can't see her.

She heard both of her parents chuckle on the other end of the phone. "Africa is amazing so far, wish you could have been here with us." Her father chimed in.

"You know I wouldn't have been able to. My doctor would have said 'no'." Sakura's voice lowered and she became sad, her parents could hear it in her tone.

"Well, we did get pictures that you would love!" Her mother said.

"And a souvenir we thought you would enjoy!" Her father added. 

They always tried their hardest to make sure she was always happy and smiling. Sakura smiled brightly. "We have to go now, sweetie." Her mother said. "We love you! Bye!" Her mother and father said in unison. 

"Love you both, bye," Sakura said into the phone before her parents hung up. She sighed lightly. "Time for that shower.." She muttered to herself. She lifted herself off the ground and trudged to the bathroom. She stayed in the shower for twenty minutes before she got out. Sakura threw on sweatpants and a white tee-shirt before exiting her room. She was hungry, and her stomach agreed with a growl. 

Sakura looks through the cabinets in the kitchen and all she could find was a cup of ramen. She sighed as she made her dinner. It was so quiet in the house, sometimes it freaked her out. Once her dinner was made, she sat at the table and ate all alone. Sasuke's face popped into her mind. His face when he saw her made Sakura hurt all over. A few tears came to her eyes but she wiped them away. "I hope he thought I was just there for a normal physical and nothing major." Sakura thought to herself as she slurped her ramen. "I haven't told any of my friends yet and I really don't want him to worry about me of all people." 

Sakura finished her dinner and threw her trash into the trash can. Sasuke's face popped into her mind again. She let out a deep and depressing sigh before she pulled out her phone. Her bedroom door swung open and then shut again as she walked into her room. Sakura, quite literally, threw herself onto her bed and laid there. She opened Sasuke's chat and decided to text him.



Sasuke didn't respond for a few minutes, so Sakura just curled up in her bed and went to sleep that night worrying about Sasuke and hoping he doesn't know that she's sick. 


Written by QueenOfFistss

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