Chapter 11

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"I-I never disappeared." I say turning around looking at Lisa dead in the eyes.

"But y-you disappeared when I tried to grab you." Rosé states making me confused.

"Stop talking all this bull shit. I. Don't. Have. Powers." I say emphasizing every word.

"Then explain your symbol on your neck." Lisa says spinning me around and lifting up my hair that was covering my nape.

"Look!" Rosé says touching my neck making me shiver.

"S-Stop! There's nothing there." I say backing away from the group of girls.

"Give me your phone." Lisa demanded and I gave it to her reluctantly. I have nothing bad on there just, it's my phone. She takes my phone and I hear her snap a picture.

"How do you know my passwo-"

"Look." She showed me my phone and I don't see anything wrong.

"What am I supposed to see?" I ask unimpressed with this whole ordeal.

"B-But it's right here! Right?!" Lisa says looking at the other girls. They nod but it still wasn't enough to convince me.

"What kind of in unplanned prank is this?" I say crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"I'm just gonna go home. Wanna race?" I ask all of them still wanting to get the adrenaline out of me. Their faces light up with glee. We all get in a line and I start counting down.

"1...2-" I didn't finish counting and I ran without warning. I ran as fast as I can zooming past people as I try not to trip and fall on my ass like the clumsy person I am.

They surprisingly don't go past me so I immediately thought they are going slower than me.

"Yah! Don't- go easy on me just because I'm a human." I say panting hard.

"If you- say so." I look forward and they all zoom past me.

'It really be like dat.'

I push through my tiredness and start running faster with all my might. I start passing them one by one. Nayeon being last for her stamina. I giggle as I push past her and she looks at me with disbelief. I do the same with the last three that were in front of her Jennie, Tzuyu, Rose, and Mina. The last person I had to pass was Lisa. But like always she's the fastest out of the fucking group.

I see my house in the corner of the street and I try to push past her but she is too fast. By now we are running at an inhuman speed. Usain Bolt who? 

We make it to the door and I drop on my knees from exhaustion.

"How... did you... do that?"
Nayeon says panting really hard like the other. I raised my shoulders; I myself was confused.

"I have no clue." I say standing up and opening the door to see the mess from earlier.

"W-Why is there blood?" Mina says looking at me and so do the others.

"I-I just cut myself on accident it's fine. It's just a scratch." I say and they look at me with worried faces.

"Let's clean up first then wash up." I say chucking awkwardly. The nod and we start cleaning.

~Time Skip~

"Let's go wash up now." I say whipping the sweat off my face.

"I call taking a shower with Y/N!" Lisa yells winking at me. I blush and look at the other girls and their faces turn with jealously.

"L-Lisa I don't think we can bath together-"

"It's not the first time I've seen your body." She says which is true but embarrassing. My cheeks heat up and I feel arms wrap around my waist.

"How about we all bath with Y/N? She has a hot spring right?" Mina says resting her head on my shoulder as she squeezes me tightly.


"Okay!" Everyone yell's cutting me off. I started contemplating life at that every moment. When did I ever think I would have this may girls in my house wanting to take a bath with me.

"Let Nayeon unnie and Jennie unnie use your guys's clothes okay?" I say looking at the four I had before.

"Drop the formalities." Jennie and Nayeon said winking at me.

They all nod their heads and I head to the hot spring and take off all my clothes and put a towel around me then open the next door revealing steam.

For once I can have peace because there is no one in the hot springs. I hear chatter in the hallways and the first door opens. I get in the hot spring and my muscles instantly relax as I sit down. I hear the door burst open and all the girls were wearing towels.

'I'm going to die of a heart attack.'

"Y/N, you're already here?" Mina says casually taking her towel off and she sits next to me on my right. I feel my heartbeat increase though I've already seen her body, but I'm still not used to it.

"H-Heh, I-I couldn't help m-myself." I say choking on air.

"Y/N, don't be like this. You've already seen our bodies." Lisa says sitting down on my left side. My face burns up at that and I instantly close my eyes.

"You've seen their bodies?!" Tzuyu, Nayeon, and Jennie yell at the same time.

"She's seen mine too. Right Y/N?" Rosé says making the three yell look at me with glaring eyes that could kill.

"I-I-" I got cut off by kisses placed on my neck. I shivered and looked at who kissed me and surely enough it was Lisa.

Jennie started a war of claimful kisses from everyone else. I was showered with love and jealousy. After we were done we all went to bed and everyone slept in the same bed of course. But with me. But I was still able to sleep in all of their warmth.

I promise more characters will pour in.✌🏻

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