Do Angels Celebrate Christmas?

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I was setting up the Christmas tree.

A menial task that most wouldn't mind. I mean, I didn't mind it much at all, and I was technically jewish. Sorry, mom.

Anyways, I decided to go with purple, black, and gold. Not very Christmas-y, you say? Well, you wouldn't be wrong there. It wasn't very Christmas-y at all.

Then again, I wasn't very Christmas-y anymore.

Surprised? You shouldn't be. I mean, I see your point there. Who could stop loving the joy of tearing open wrapping paper? Or seeing if someone had taken a bite of the horribly burnt cookies? Sorry about that, dad. Or, or the fun of racing your brother down the stairs until you eventually end up in a pile at the bottom laughing your hearts out?

Well, the Christmas cheer starts to disappear when you have no one to get you presents or buy presents for. Or when you stop nearly burning the house down in an attempt to make cookies for a man you know doesn't even exist.

Personally, for me, it all disappeared when my brother got into a car accident that sent his Honda SUV, a car he claimed would be keep him safe forever, tumbling into the Delaware River, causing his death as well as the death of his two year old son and wife of ten years.

It's sad not having anyone to race down the stairs anymore.

I still decorate the Christmas tree.

Now, I've moved onto the gold ornaments. I always keep in mind mom's rule of never putting two ornaments of the same color next to each other. I doubt she'd be very proud of the color scheme however.

And now all that's left in the box is the tree topper.

An angel.

It's never going up on the tree. That's my little brother's job.

Now he's an angel in the sky.

I wonder if they decorate Christmas trees up there.


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