▪ Chapter 2 ▪

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Meeting the brothers

Now, Rui and Yui are in front of the entrance of the mansion. Yui proceeded to knock on the door first but it opened itself.

Rui hummed in her mind 'Ah.. I remember this part. How very not creepy'. The blond pushed the door open and just went in, dragging her suitcase at her back. Yui turned and said "Rui, stay close to me" and continued to walk away.

'Hmm.. well nothing really bad happened on this episode anyways but still, she just went in. Sigh, I'll teach her manners later.' Rui came in to the house after saying "Shitsurei~shi~masu" and went after Yui, in deep thoughts.

Suddenly a deep voice interrupted the silence for Rui "I'm gonna take you." She looked up to finding her sister under a red headed guy. He had a cocky smile on his face and his eyes screamed danger for Yui.

'I believe he's Ayato, one of the triplets. Sigh, Well take your sweet time because it's not gonna last long' Rui thought and just stood there watching them.

"Ayato, what's all the commotion!" Rui glanced at the owner of that voice. 'Ah, it's that glasses guy.'
The red head cursed "Danm, not you, Reiji." 

"This is the entrance hall. It's a place that's meant to greet the guests. Take your activity into your private room." Reiji kept his words monotone and said it in a scolding manner. Ayato's response to him was a simple "tch, well that's dull.." and then he let the female go as if he had lost his appetite.

Yui got up quickly and spotted her sister. The blond pulled Rui to herself and went to the guy with glasses. "Sir, please help us!!" Yui gazed up to the guy with a fearful eyes.
"And You two are?" He glanced back at us. "I'm Yui komori and she's Rui Komori, my sister. Father said we are supposed to live here for while." Yui says rather quickly. 

Reiji:"Heard nothing of that sort." He turned his head to his troublesome brother. " Ayato, explain to me."
Ayato just scoffed at them "Huh? How am I supposed to know that! Oi, Pancake, you should've said so."

Yui held her hands to chest "T-that's because you attacked me out of nowhere!!... w-wait, did you just call me pan-pancake..??"
Ayato smirked at her reaction "Of course it's you, idiot!"


Rui just watched the whole scenario she has seen many times through a screen, quietly . 'Sigh, this is boring... I'll just go ahead, I believe they turned this way to the living room' she just turned and silently walked away to the living room. 'I guess I'm just as bad as Yui.. roaming around a strangers house..'

"Oh, there it is." Rui entered the living room at the same time as Ayato teleported in. He eyed the little girl "Huh? Oi, brat. How did you get here?"
Rui looked at him stoicly and just shrugged. She responded with a quiet mutter "somehow..."

"Huh? I can't he-"
"Rui-chan!!" Yui interrupted Ayato and ran up to her sister. "I was worried about you! Don't do that again!"

The pinkette shrugs and responded "I guess I'll try to..."

"Fu~fu~fu~ Is it true? That, two little human girls are here?" A flirtatious voice echoed in the room and gains everyones attention. "Hmm.." with a humm from his mouth he teleported on the couch, next to Rui and licked her left cheek. "Mmm~ you two smell so nice and sweet~~"
"Kyah~!" Yui squealed as the violet haired boy licked her. The boy then said "yes, they do seem sweet."

Rui scoffed quietly and unintentionally said "Tch, I'll bite you, if you do that again." Her tone was stoic but a little annoyed one. Rui isn't really good with skinships.
'ah.. I said that out loud, wrong move. I guess becoming a child again made me a little more childish?' She scolded herself inside.
That seemed to get everyone's attention.
"Oho~?" Laito narrowed his eyes at Rui and placed his index finger below her chin and lifted her face to make her look at him. "A tiny human, biting me~?"  It seemed humorous to the vampire brothers as Ayato and Laito just laughed at her comment.

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