Chapter 1-Stiles's POV

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I woke to light footsteps. Then a strangled,"Stiles?"I hopped up,and ran in the kitchen,"Macy!"She turned,"I just...burnt the eggs. Sorry."I sighed with relief,trying to stop my arms from shaking,"Please,never do that again!"She smiled,"Yeah. You freaked out that time,didn't you?"I nodded,"Well,of course! My wife is about to have twins,and I'm a nervous freaking wreck!"She let out a soft sigh,and a smile,"Honey,I'm ok."I frowned,"You said that before."Scott walked in,causing Macy to drop a plate. It shattered into pieces,and Macy let out a ragged gasp. I jumped up,"Scott,what the-"Scott backed up,"Man,your tense!"I rolled my eyes,"Am I? I'm just going to be a father in the matter of a month."Scott pat me on the back,"That's a great thing!"Macy set a hand on her stomach,"Scared me to death,McCall!"Scott flinched,"Your raising the frying pan."In a moment,Macy realized she was splattering grease on the floor,holding the pan high. She set it down,"Get out,Scott."He walked to the door. With one quick motion,Macy grabbed the pan,and flung it at him. It hit him in the head,and he groaned,"I'm going!"


"Macy? Macy,where are you?"I was getting nervous. No answer. I turned,"Macy!?"She walked out of the new room,and smiled,"Look!"She held up a pink dress with butterflies on it. I laughed nervously,"It's perfect. Macy,I can't let you out of my sight."She set it down quickly,and winced,"Later,Stiles."She sighed,"I need to run to the store. Need anything?"I shivered,and terror spread across my face,"Not alone."She didn't listen. I grabbed her arm,"Baby,I'll go."She nodded,"Ok. If you insist."I looked at her,"Stay here. I'll get Lydia to come."She nodded,"Fine. Be safe."I nodded,grabbed my jacket,and left.

Insanity (a Teen Wolf/Stiles fanfiction) (Second Book in Crazier)Where stories live. Discover now