Chapter 9

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3rd Person's POV

"Eat slowly will you? Did your parents cut off your food allowance? You looked like you haven't eaten for a week." Lisa said as she try to slow down Chaeyoung from eating the pancakes and bacon that she brought.

"I'm starving okay? I hadn't have the chance to eat last night because of Mrs. Song's homework." Chaeyoung said while eating.

"At least chew your food first before talking." Lisa said frowning.

Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes and continued devouring Lisa's food. Lisa can't help but smile because of the sight, her friend really looks cute right now.

"Has anyone told you that you look like a chipmunk when you're eating?" Lisa asked smiling wildly at the discovery.

"What? I'm not!" Chaeng yelled at her.

Lisa laughed at her reaction and leaned closer to pinch her chubby cheeks.

"You're so cute chipmunk" Lisa said while giggling.

"Yah! Stop it, giraffe!" Chaeng tried to shove her hand.

"So I'm a Giraffe to you huh?? Okay then, you are my chipmunk from now on." Lisa said and continued to murder Chaeyoung's cheeks.

Meanwhile, a pair of angry cat eyes were killing them with her fuming stares.

Jennie and Alex arrived on time in the school but they found out that there is no subject because of the sudden meeting of their teacher.

She decided to go in Lisa's classroom, which is beside theirs, to give her the takeout she ordered earlier.

She invited Jisoo to come with her but the girl took so much time arranging her things so Jennie went first and just told her to come quickly.

As soon as Jennie reached Lisa's room, she saw her bestfriend taking her time by having 'SO MUCH' fun with her new Australian classmate.

She saw how Lisa pinched the girl's cheeks and how the girl tried to act cute in her response.

Well for Jennie, the girl is trying to be cute which she finds not. She grimaced as the sight of the two still giggling with other.

Her eyes narrowed when she saw a familiar lunch box at the Australian's arm chair. She's 100% sure that it was Lisa's.

"Hey Jen! Why are you still here outside?" Jisoo popped out.

"Uh.. I'm just waiting for you." Jennie lied.

"Oh, come on there's Lisa." Jisoo said and dragged her inside. "Yo! Lisa! Good morning, Chaeng!" The oldest greeted.

"No good morning for me?" Lisa asked pouting.

"No because you're not cute." Jisoo said and looked at Chaeng again.

She noticed the food on Chaeyoung's chair and she immediately drool from the sight.

"Hey! Can I have some? That looks delicious. I suddenly craved for pancakes." Jisoo said.

Chaeyoung laughed and quickly gave Jisoo the other utensil.

"Here. Lisa honestly cooked it." Chaeyoung said.

Jennie and Jisoo's brow automatically raised.

"Lisa? Cooked?? I'm sorry but I have to laugh. That was a good joke, Chaeng." Jisoo laughed and took a bite. "Oohh.. this really taste great Lis! Where did you buy it?" Jisoo asked.

"Yah! It's true that I cooked it." Lisa pouted. Is it really hard to believe that she cooked it herself?

"So you really have time to cook for someone's breakfast? How sweet of you to your new classmate." Jennie said with a hint of bitterness.

Lisa frowned at Jennie's tone while Chaeyoung felt awkward.

"Oh yeah, I honestly wake up early in the morning and asked my mother to teach me how to cook all of these because I want to make up with my bestfriend for not accompanying her the last time. Thought it will be a good way to apoligize because it's her favorite and I cooked some to give to my friends too." Lisa said sounding a bit hurt.

Jennie suddenly felt guilt rushing to her. If she have known that Lisa made such an effort, she wouldn't have gone with Alex earlier but she didn't give her friend the chance to invite her.

"I---Lisa I'm sorry. I didn't know." Jennie said as she tried to approached Lisa.

"No it's okay. Besides my effort didn't go to waste, my friends seemed to like the food that I cooked." Lisa said as she look at Chaeyoung and Jisoo who suddenly stopped eating because of the tension.

"Lisa please..." Jennie pleaded but Lisa is not in the mood already. She stood from her seat and told Chaeyoung and Jisoo to just place the lunchbox back to her seat after eating before walking out of the room.

"If you'll excuse me, I will just go and fix something in photography room." She said without even looking back at Jennie.

Jennie sighed, she knows that Lisa is mad at her now.

She looked at the lunchbox and asked the two.

"Is there something left?" Jennie asked.

Chaeyoung nodded and offered her the lunchbox.

Jennie started to dig in not minding Jisoo who is complaining from stealing the food away from her.

"Just cut it! She prepared this for me so I'll eat it." Jennie glared at the older girl.

"But Lisa said she cooked it for us too!" Jisoo complained.

"Shut it! You already ate some, let me enjoy the rest." Jennie answered.

Jisoo slumped down beside Chaeng and watched Jennie quickly finishing the food.

Jennie smiled in satisfaction after she cleaned the lunchbox. Not exaggerating but It was the most delicious pancake and bacon that she ever ate in her whole life.

She took her phone and handed it to Jisoo.

"What do you want me to do with that?" Jisoo said still sulking.

"Take a picture of me." Jennie demanded.

"No! After you ate my pancakes." Jisoo said and played hard to get.

Chaeyoung being the nice person that she is offered to take the picture.

Jennie was hesitant at first but Jisoo seems that she will not cooperate with her so she took the offer.

"Here." She said and handed her phone to Chaeng.

Jennie posed and raised the empty lunchbox to the camera while smiling proudly then pouted cutely at the second shot.

"1, 2, 3. Cheese!" Chaeyoung said and took the shots.

She handed the phone back to Jennie and the latter quickly took it and did not even say thank you to the Australian girl.

She composed a message and attached the photos on it saying:

'It was the most delicious pancakes that I had in my whole life. Nini wants more!'

She immediately press the send button and smiled proudly at herself.

She knew that once Lisa saw the message, she will immediately forgive her.

Afterall, Lisa could not resist her.

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