Chapter 22

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3rd Person's POV

Class. Dance Practice. Home. Lisa's everyday routine has been like that ever since she ended her friendship with Jennie.

How long has it been? Three weeks? Maybe a month this coming friday?

Lisa can feel that her parents are being suspicious now because they noticed that Jennie hasn't visited for weeks.

'We're just busy with school works, we have a research paper to finish.' Lisa said.

'Why can't you do your research with her? You know the two of you can be more productive when you have each other' Her mother asked.

'Mom you know that's not true, we're only going to end binge watching movies.' Lisa said and faked a chuckle.

'Yeah I know, you guys are really serious in your studies now huh?' Her mother laughed.

'I guess we are.' Lisa answered which earned a shrug from her mother.

She was so relieved that she made her mother believed with her excuse but the next week came and it was her father who asked her this time.

'I haven't seen Jennie for a while.' Her father suddenly said without looking at her, his attention on the football game he was watching.

'She was busy with her research papers' she said but her father did not buy it.

'Come on, you know Jennie won't choose a piece of paper over you. Have you two fought again?' Her father asked and this time faced her.

Lisa froze. She doesn't know how she will answer her father.

'Damn it! I hate how he can read me so easily' she thought.

Her heart was beating faster than the normal, it's like it wants to leave her chest and ran away from her father's question.

Lisa sighed, 'well-uh, we had a little argument last time. But it's nothing big.' She said.

'You sure?' Her father asked again.

'Fuck! I hate lying, why do I have to be in this situation?' She asked herself.

'Yeah of course. We're just busy with our own commitments. Foundation day is coming, she's busy with drama club and me with dance club.' She said which is partly true.

'Hmm..' her father nodded and went back on watching the game.

Lisa thought that she can at least breath for days before her parents asked her again about Jennie but Saturday came and her parents just told her that they have a family dinner with the Kims.

"What?! And you're telling me just now?" Lisa asked in disbelief.

"What do you mean 'what'? And what's with your reaction? It's not like we're not doing this every first Saturday of the month." Her mother eyed her suspiciously.

'What? A month??' She asked herself.

"Lisa sweetie, why are you acting weirdly? You thing I haven't noticed that Jennie isn't going here lately?" Her mom said which shocked her.

"Mom it's not like that.. it's just.. I have a practice tonight. Foundation day is next week so we have to---" Lisa was cut off by her father.

"I called Seulgi, she said you don't have any practice tonight so no excuses, Lisa. Let's go, the Kims are waiting." Her father said in an authoritative voice.

"But Dad--"

"No buts. If you and Jennie can't fix your problem then we think that we need to step in and knock some sense from the two of you. You think your Uncle and Aunt haven't noticed yet? Jennie ran out of excuses too. Let's go." Her father said and dragged her out of the house.

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