Chapter 21

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3rd Person's POV

"Unnie..." Lisa called.

"I don't have money." The person on the other line answered.

"U-unnie.." Lisa repeated and this her voice cracked.

Jisoo who was on the other line got alarmed when she noticed the voice of the younger girl.

"Lisa? Are you crying?" She asked worriedly.

"Unnie... can you go to Jennie? Please check her if she's okay. And don't tell her I asked you to check on her." Lisa said.

"What is going on? What happened??" Jisoo asked again while running out of her house.

"We fought." Lisa answered this time.

"Again? How bad was it? Why are you crying?" Jisoo asked again while waiting for a taxi, her brother used their car so she doesn't have a choice to take a taxi. She can't help but ne worried,


"I came out to her...." there's a paused on the other line and Jisoo doesn't know if she heard it right, "I'm gay, unnie." Lisa said.

Jisoo frozed. She can't believe what she just heard. So she thought she was being pranked.

"What the fuck, Lisa. Stop pranking me, I know you teamed up with Jennie to prank me. Good thing I wasn't on the taxi yet." Jisoo tried to play it cool, convincing herself that it was just one of those pranks the two pulled on her.

"I'm not, I'm serious unnie." Lisa said, Jisoo doesn't want to believe it until she heard someone from the other line which is not Lisa.

"Lisa! What happened? Why are you crying?" She heard someone asked.

"Chae-Chaeng.." Jisoo heard Lisa said. Her eyes opened wide.

Holyshit! Jennie doesn't like Chaeng, so if Chaeng was there... then Lisa must be saying the truth.

"Lisa! Is that--" Jisoo couldn't finished what she was about to asked when she heard the call ended.

Just in time, a taxi just came so she immediately stopped it and went in.


The main door wasn't locked so she easily went in but it was obvious that Jennie's parents were not home.

"What. The. Fuck. Happened. Here?" Jisoo said as soon as she saw the state of Jennie's room, it was a mess.

She looked at the corner when she heard a sniff and boy oh boy, the owner of the room was a mess too.

"Jendeukie! What the hell happened here?" Jennie ran to her and hugged her. She's crying hard.

"U-unnie..." Jennie cried.

Jisoo scanned the room and spotted a very familiar thing lying next to where Jennie was sitting earlier.

It was a photo album.

Then she noticed the papers scattered on the floor, it was pictures. Pictures of Jennie and Lisa...ripped into pieces.


"You what?!" Chaeng asked in disbelief.

"I told her the truth." Lisa said, Chaeyoung just managed to calm her down slightly.

"I know. What I can't believe is why do you have to end your friendship with her Lisa? That was awful." The Aussie asked in disbelief.

"Because I know she'll do it even if I didn't say it. She said it herself, she doesn't want to be with a person like me. Wouldn't it hurt less? I think that would made me look a little loser." Lisa said.

"Either way you're still a loser, Lisa." Chaeyoung answered, "Jennie was shocked for sure and you have to wait for her to sink in that information."

"What? I just told her everything. I've been honest to her but she's the one who can't accept me so there's no point of continuing what we have." Lisa said bitterly.

"Listen Lisa, you just hurt her feelings. Can you be more considerate for a while?" Chaeng asked, she understands that Lisa was hurt too but she knows that her friend went overboard too.

"Considerate? You're asking me to be considerate to her when she can't even do the same to me?" Lisa said angrily.

"Lisa I was just trying to suggest what's the right thing to do. Was it really easy for you to throw away your friendship?" Chaeyoung asked which stopped Lisa.

Chaeyoung thought Lisa was realizing her mistake, but it was far from that thought.

"It's hard. But it's the right thing to do. There's nothing to argue." Lisa said and walked out of the room leaving Rosé feeling sad of what happened to the two.


One week. One whole week passed after the confrontation, one week without seeing and talking to each other. One week after they ended their friendship.

Jisoo was torn in between going after Jennie or going after Lisa. But she went to go with Jennie since they share the same class and not after she had the talk to Lisa.

She was the oldest among the three and she's the most matured one. She knows that even though she's their bestfriend, the friendship of the two alone is more special.

So when last week happened she doesn't know how she will think of a plan to fix the two.

She had a talk with Lisa on the next day, the younger told her the truth and cried in her arms.

She said she respects her, that she understand her and that she accepts who Lisa is. Nothing changed the way she look at the younger.

'You're not just my bestfriend, Lisa. You are my sister and no matter what, I will always love you, okay? Please don't think that people will shut you down just because of who you are.'  She said that made the younger cry.

She thought that Lisa needs her more than Jennie so she checks on her all the time but Lisa told her to just check on Jennie, to focus on her, because out of the three of them Jennie is the weakest and the most vulnerable.

Jisoo admired Lisa for that, even after what happened to the both of them the younger still thinks of Jennie's feelings.

Jennie hadn't opened up to her yet. She tried to explain and open Jennie's mind but it didn't work.

'What we have is gone unnie. She ended our friendship herself. I don't care about her.' Jennie just said and that time, Jisoo wants to slap the hell out of her but she choose to resist it.

That's what just Jennie told her tho. Because Jennie has many things to say, but she choose to keep it to herself.

Lisa was too honest...

Jennie was too hurt.

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