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1 week ago
Its already 1 week without Taehyung...
I just eat once a day and Jungkook rarely visit me because he's really busy to his work and days become so fast. I can't just smile once or laugh IM REALLY Depressed.
I hear the doorbell. I went downstairs and open the door.

Hannah's POV
Arrived at Y/N house
We came here cause we hear that Taehyung broke up with her.. And im really mad that he did that to my bff!
I press the doorbell.
The door open revealing Y/N with a messy hair,with dry tears on her cheeks and she got thin/skinny.
What happen? I ask her and hug her even if I know and hear what happened.
She start crying to my shoulder.
We sit on the couch
Where's Felix? She ask between her cry
In his work.. What happened? I ask
Tae-hyung-bro-ke-up-with-me. She say
What the fucking hell? I say
She just look down on the floor.
He tell me, he will never, ever leave and hurt you! I say.
I promise that i will never,ever hurt and leave my love Y/N! He shout.

Y/N sudden faint
Y/N... I say while trying to wake her up... But she don't so I call an ambulance.

1 hour ago
Arrived at the hospital and wait for the doctor to exit the room
Minutes ago the doctor exit the room
Doc what happen to my friend? I ask
Well. She's fine. And she's pregnant. And she should always eat healthy foods, always be happy for the baby and prevent depression.
What?! I ask
The doctor nodded
Thanks. I say and the doctor leave
A nurse exit again the room telling me, I can already enter the room where Y/N is.
Y/N. I say and hug her.
She stop me and i see her face sad.
Why are you sad? You should be happy. I say smiling.
I'm sad because my baby will not grow up with a dad and I don't know what would i do... She says
I'm here.. Don't worry. I says while playing with her hair.
And Felix. I continued.
She nodded.
And the door opened revealing... A boy
I call Y/N mom and she talk with her. Her mom is okay to be a grandmother feeling sad and disappointed that Taehyung is not with her.

The door opened revealing... Jungkook.
Y/N.. He says and bow at Hannah.
How do you know im here? I ask Jungkook
I came to your house and you're not there. I ask your neighbors where are you they tell me you're in xxx hospital so I went here. Jungkook say
What happen to you Y/N? He ask.
She's pregnant. Hannah says
And who's the father? He ask
Tae-hyung. I say and tears start to make again.
Jungkook gave me his handkerchief. I wipe my tears with that.
Th-ank you.

Hours ago
Jungkook went home and Hannah is gonna sleep with me here in the hospital and I sleep with my tummy getting bigger and bigger each day.

His wife||Kim Taehyung||Book 2 of Fake wife {Completed} (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now