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6 months ago
My baby is 6 months old now, in my tummy.. Im excited!
Today, me and Hannah are going to the hospital for some test.

2 hour ago
Arrived at the hospital
They get some of my blood
The result will be released after 2 hours. (I just guessed the time I don't really know how it longs.) The girl said who inject me.
We nodded and i sit outside and Hannah go to the ultrasound room amd reseve 1 slot for me. She came back and sit beside me.

2 hours ago
The result has released
The platelet,red blood,etc..
Your blood is fine, let's do the ultrasound. The doctor says

Hours ago
The ultrasound has finished. We already have the result. A girl call my surname, we go to her.
Mrs.Kim.. A girl call my surname
Me. I say and we enter the room of our doctor.
Hello. She says and bow at us, we bow back
Your baby's gender is a.... GIRL! The doctor says
OMG! Hannah shout in shock and hugged me, I hug her back
Congratulations! The doctor say.

1 hour ago
Arrived at Hannah and Felix's house, and went to my room and lay down on the bed and look at the ceiling.
What should i name to you darling? I ask myself like an "idiot. " (lol)
Princess? I ask myself
No, no.. I says
And i remember Taehyung once again!
I start to cry AGAIN!
Hannah enter my room.
Y/N stop thinking about him,leave him. Just think about your baby. She says calmly.
I stop crying.
Thank you Hannah.. I say.

Hours ago
Felix arrived home, we eat dinner and I sleep. (I sleep really early like 7pm because im really tired)


His wife||Kim Taehyung||Book 2 of Fake wife {Completed} (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now