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CHAPTER 1: "Skyrocketed Priced Breakup Fee"

X City, in a music cafe. The sounds of a piano flowed like water.

Yun Sheng stares at the check before her.

Sitting across from her was a pair of a man and a woman. The man is handsome, natural, and had an unrestrained appearance while the woman is young and has a fashionable appearance. In contrast, Yun Sheng whose body was emitting the scent of herbal medicine appears very out of place.

"Yun Sheng, let's just break up. This check, worth a hundred thousand dollars, is for the tuition fees that you've been helping me pay for the past few years". The man was well-dressed, and every movement of his carried the aura of a cultured scholar. He is part X City's Municipal Peoples' Hospital's top staff, with a staggering high salary and a doctorate in medicine. He was the person scouted by the hospital's directorate staff and his name was Liu Minglang.

Based off of Liu Ming Lang's manner and appearance, no one would've been able to guess, that just a few years ago, he was still a poor student who had just graduated from medical school. His skills were very average, yet was unwilling to work low payed jobs, thus had to rely on his girlfriend, Yan Yun Sheng's support. Only then was he able to go study abroad.

After several years of separation, she thought it would be an everlasting college romance. Yet, how come was it that all of this was exchanged with a check worth only a hundred thousand dollars?

A mocking smile slowly emerged on Yan Yun Sheng's delicate and pretty face.

As if he was stabbed by Yun Sheng's smile, Liu Ming Lang didn't let Yun Sheng have time to open her mouth to refute, and just took the chance to speak up first: "It's not me who's abandoning you after all of the years, it's because you're not ambitious at all. Look at you right now. No matter what, you're still a talented student who graduated from the department of clinical medicine of a famous medical science university. Yet you don't have any thoughts of climbing up the social hierarchy. Instead, you inherited some small family's Chinese medical clinic instead. Any one of our university schoolmates is doing much better than you are . Look at yourself! Don't you know better to dress up? You're a complete mess from head to toe.


Yun Sheng grabbed the check and flung it onto Liu Ming Lang's face. "If you want to break up, then don't beat around the bush, and even more so, don't you dare disregard look down at the name and reputation of traditional Chinese medicine. It's true I don't have any future prospects! I can't compare with Qian Wei Wei, the daughter of the Director of the Bureau of Public Health who's sitting right next to you, who can help you buy houses and cars, and on the way help you obtain a high income job. Liu Ming Lang, you're just a high class gigolo."

She long had found out about Liu Ming Lang's actions of dumping her for someone else long ago from the gossips of others.

Yun Sheng's voice has power, her every word was clearly enunciated. Everyone in the music cafe could hear everything very clearly.

This kind of melodramatic scene which only appears in dramas isn't seen very often. The people in the cafe all looked over with curiosity, pointing and criticizing at Liu Ming Lang and the young woman sitting beside him.

Liu Ming Lang's complexion started to turn dark. He quickly pulls up his new girlfriend, who was about to act up, and left.

Liu Minglang who had just taken a few of steps suddenly collapses to the ground. He painfully clutches his abdomen, and insufferably shouts out: "It's......acute appendicitis, Wei Wei......call 112[2]."

Qian Wei Wei was scared to the point that her complexion had suddenly turned deathly pale. Where would she have ever come across this sort of situation before! She was scared to the point of being unable to utilize her phone properly anymore.

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