You've been raped before. A One Direction Imagine.

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Preference: You’ve been raped.

*Sorry i didn’t do Zayn’s! I ran out of ideas! Give me some feedback loves! xxx* 

Harry: You and your boyfriend Harry were flipping through channels when Harry stopped on the news channel. There was a story about a young girl who was about thirteen years old, who got raped and killed. “that;s terrible”. Harry said. You simple nodded. It reminded you of when your were raped, when your were about that age. You were walking home from soccer practice when out of no where a random guy grabbed you, pulled you into the bushes and it all went downhill from there on. You got up from the couch and ran to the bathroom. “Love where are you-” you shut the bathroom door. As soon as you started crying Harry busted into the bathroom. “Why are you crying (y/n)?” he asked, immediately taking you into his arms. “Well..” you started. “When i was fourteen, i was walking home alone from soccer practice and.. i..” you let out a big sob. You attempted to talk again. When Harry cut you off. “You were raped weren’t you?” More tears fell down your cheeks as you nodded. “Oh kitten, i’m never ever going to let that happen, ever again.” You burried you head into the crook of his neck. He let you cry for a moment. Then Harry gently lifted your face and looked into your eyes. “(Y/n), you’ll always be safe with me. I love you.” You wiped away tears and swallowed the lump in your throat. “Okay Haz. I love you too.” 

Niall: You and Niall were having a normal conversation, just like any other day. You were talking in your sunroom. “So (y/n).” Niall started. “Tell me something, that not many people know about you.” “You first Niall.” you told him. “No, no. Ladies first.” he said, looking up at you from your lap. You thought for a moment, and breathed in heavily. “When i was fifteen, my ex raped me.” Niall jumped up, and looked at you too make sure you were being truthful. There was a long silence. Until Niall broke it. “Why the fuck, would anyone do that to you princess?!” You felt tears burning in your eyes, to think about the painful memory. “I don’t know Niall, it was after a school dance and I was waiting for my ride, there was no one else around. It was like he waited for me, i have no clue how someone could have that much anger built up just because of a breakup, but he did, and he raped me. I hated my self for what seemed like forever. Until i realized, it happens to many people, unfortunately i was a victim. It wasn’t and isn’t my fault. There’s nothing i can do to change it. I’ve learned to forget about it.” You tried not to cry, but you let a few tears slip. At the sight of this Niall took you in his arms. He took his thumb and wiped a few tears away. “You know that you’re one of the strongest people i’ve ever met (y/n). I hope you know that anything like that, will never happen again. I would never do anything to hurt you.” He wrapped his arms around your waist. “I love you so much (y/n).” You put your arms around his neck. “I love you top Nialler.” he planted a small kiss on your lips, and you too resumed your confessions.

Louis: Youa nd your boyfriend Louis has been dating for about five months now. This exact day one year ago, was the worst day of your life. You were raped. Because you and Louis weren’t dating at the time and it’s never come up. You’ve never felt the need to tell him, you’ve tried your hardest in the last year to cope with your pain. Today for some reason, everything reminded you of the rape. You hadn’t talked to Louis all day. You were in you room, throwing everything in sight. You sat next to your bed, and cried into your hands, for the longest time. So you didn’t hear Louis enter your flat. He walked in and was speechless at the mess. You jumped up and tried wiping your tears away quickly. He took you into his strong arms. “I don’t care what it is, i just want you to be okay and feel better love.” He picked you up bridal style and layed you on the bed. He layed down next to you. You curled up into his chest. After you calmed down and stopped crying, you told Louis. He was devastated to see you in this condition, and angry that someone did this too you. “It will never happen again, do you hear me?” You nodded. You two stayed in bed for a little while longer, as he stroked your hair, and comforted you. This only brought you two closer together. 

Liam: You and Liam were at your flat, getting the rest of your things. You were moving in with him. All that was really left was a few small boxes, you had put away long ago, and some clothes. Liam grabbed a box out of the top of your closet. “What’s this love?” Liam asked. You glanced at the box, not recognizing it. “Uh, i don’t know, probably just some junk.” You said as you started walking out the door, to go put some things in Liam’s car. Liam continued looking through the box, pulling out a copy of a police report. As you walked back in your flat, Liam met you in the hallway. With tears filling his eyes. “(y/n) were you raped.” You were completely stunned. “W-why would you think that?” You asked, trying to brush it off. He handed you the police report. “O-oh tha-at.” You said as you felt tears falling down your face. “Why didn’t you ever tell m-me love?” Liam asked. “It never came up, and it’s embarrassing. I was around sixteen.” Liam pulled you in for a hug, you nuzzled your head in the curve of his neck. Liam let your tears fall on his shirt without a care. “Love, it’s not embarrassing. It’s something that’s happened to you, and it kills me to know someone would hurt you like that.” You knew Liam was trying to hold back tears, but not everyone can. “I’m sorry i didn’t tell you, it just never came up, ya know.” You said looking into his eyes. “I understand. You’re okay now right?” Liam asked. You nodded your head, as Liam pulled you in for another tight hug. He held you for a minute. “I love you (y/n), and i can assure you, i won’t ever let it happen again.” “I love you too Li”. He kissed you softly and you two walked back to your bedroom

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