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"You're what?" He questioned. I can assure you this was not the best time to get pregnant. He just got home from tour two weeks ago. The boys are constantly in the studio working on tracks for a Christmas album. But it wasn't my fault completely. 

I nodded in response. He plopped down on the couch and shoved his face into his hands. "This is all your fucking fault (y/n)" I told myself to be civil with him. I secretly hoped Liam would be happy to be a father, i had always wanted a little boy when i was growing up. I still do. I know i'm young but i have always been responsible. I never turn down a challenge, and this was by far going to be one of the biggest challenges of my 18 years.

"Excuse me?" I placed my hands on my hips. Liam stood to his feet abruptly. "(Y/n), this is going to ruin my career. I can't be a father i'm 19 years old. My career and the boys is at it's all time high, i caqn't let them down." His voice started rising, and i couldn't lie it scared me a bit. 

"Liam how could you blame this on me, you're the dumbass who forgot a condom, i'm not blaming this on you either. We both have repsonsibilities here. We need to step up to the plate and we can get through this together." "I can't handle this i'm leaving." Liam grabbed his blazer and rushed out the door.


It had been three weeks since i saw Liam. I was a wreck. I was in love with him to say the least. I don't know where i went wrong, when i got out of highschool i had a life plan. I moved to London, the new girl in town and i had everything figured out. I met Liam, and now i'm in this position. I had fallen in love and now it's fallen apart. 

I wish i could just go back to the start. Things were better then. I just want to be back into Liam's arms. It's all i could ever want right now. I was in a terrible state. I had self-harmed myself every night since Liam left me in the flat alone that evening. Every night i would sing my favorite lyrics from Take me dancing, The Maine. 

"Oh a good man said, if you're feeling dead you gotta find a way to feel alive." Slitting my skin up and down my left arm and watching the blood drench the pale skin was the only way to feel alive. 

After a month i stopped. I started going to doctor apointments every month, so i needed to stop. As the baby grew larger inside my stomach, i needed to be stronger myself. So i was. My mom always told me i had a strong mind and no matter how low of a point i was at in my life, she knew i would find a way to get out. 

I later on in my pregnancy found out that i would be having a little girl. I named her Elizebeth Grace, and i was ready to be a mom. I had got a good job months ago, i was never behind on the flat payments, i had already set up a cute little yellow room for my daughter. I knew i could do this. All i needed was a little bit of self-confidence.


It had been two years. My daughter as i called her "lizzy", was the one and only reason i woke up with a smile on my face every morning. She was the highlight of my day. We had an amazing bond. I had no friends here in the U.K. Except for the boys, and once Liam left so did my friendship with them. I still wonder to this day if Liam had ever told the lads why we split. 

I decided to take Elizebeth out in town today. I dressed her in  an adorable blue jumper and simple black leggings, with knit grey boots/slippers. I had on a similiar outfit, black leggings, brown leather boots, and a white sweater. 

"(Y/n)" Someone called out behind me, i knew that voice. I turned around and faced the irish lad i had missed terribly. "Niall!" I cheered. "How are-" He stopped and his gaze shifted to Lizzy who was waking up from her short nap on my shoulder. "Is she.." He drifted off into a state of confusion as he took in her big brown eyes and chubby cheeks. "Yeah, she's Liam's." I whispered. 

I never really mentioned Liam, or Elizebeth's daddy to her. It broke my heart last christmas when she saw all the families together, and asked "Mommy, where's my daddy?" I cried every night for a week. 

"May I?" Niall took Lizzy in his arms, and she giggled as he made silly faces at her. I smiled but on the inside i had a horrid feeling in the pit of my stomach. "What's your name love?" He asked her. "I'm Lizzy" She giggled. "I'm Niall" He told her. 

"Niall there you ar-" I whipped my head around to see Liam standing two feet in front of me. His mouth slightly agape as he realized who was in his presence. "Uh, (Y/n)?" "I think i should go." I took my little girl out of Niall's arms, leaving a frown upon his face and trying to get away from the situation i was in. "wait!" Liam called out. I turned around and saw both of the boys had ran after me. "Liam i have nothing to say to you."  Niall slipped Lizzy away from me and walked to the side and kept her entertained.

"Is she really mine?" He questioned, and for a moment i thought i saw a bit of compassion in his eyes. "Like you care." I mumbled, but of course he heard. "I actually didn't think you went on with the pregnancy. I heard you had a miscarriage. I wanted to come back and be there for you. But i was on tour in a America and i knew you'd never forgive me for leaving. It was a mistake. I wanted to come back everyday." "Liam it's been two years. I don't have time for your excuses. Do you even know how hard it was for me. I struggled Liam. I struggled with inner problems, i self-harmed. I had to pull myself together because i had to support a baby. You walked out on me. You have no room to talk." 

"Would you ever forgive me?" He pleaded. I opened my mouth to talk when Lizzy ran over to us, Niall chasing from behind. She ran to Liam and he scooped her up in his arms. It warmed my heart to see how big Liam smiled as he took a good look at his little girl. I couldn't forgive him, but he had a right to be in his daughters life. As Niall walked to the side to answer his phone, i walked up and interupted their moment. 

"Elizebeth. This is your daddy." I smiled to her. "Really mommy?" She screamed and hugged Liam tightly. A tear trickled down my face. I can't really explain why. "Don't cry mommy. Be happy daddy's here" She put her little chubby hand in the air and signalled for me to join a hug with her and her daddy. I did and i was overwhelmed. I was happy we were finally all together as a family. But on the other hand, Liam was irresponsible and walked out when things got tough. He wasn't there when his own daughter was born. But i should be glad he's ready to step up and be a father now, shouldn't i?

I allowed Liam to come back to the flat we once shared together two years ago. Things were alot different. He stayed and played with Elizebeth for a little while. Until it was her nap time. After successully getting her to sleep, Liam and I sat down and talked over tea. "I want you back in her life, i want you back in mine aswell. But Liam, you can't just show up and expect everything to be fine. A lot of damage has been done." He took in a large breath. "I know, i want to be there for you and her. I've done a horrible job at it. I can't ever show you how sorry i truly am. I don't know why i ever walked out. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have left you. I should have been there all this time but-" I cut him off. "You weren't Liam." He choked on air and i guess he was surprised at what i said.

"Can we try? You know, for everything to go back to normal. It will all work out i promise. I will make it work." He pulled me into his chest and i nuzzled back into the one place i went to every night we slept together. "Okay." Was all i told him. I mean, you can't get anywhere without trying first. 

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