Big news!

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Ginny woke up and looked over at harry, sleeping peacefully beside her. It had been almost 10 years since the war against Voldemort, and they were now happily married. Harry was now 26 and ginny 25. She looked at the clock, and gently shook him awake. "Wasdamatter..?" He mumbled sleepily. "You're going to be late for work!" Ginny told him. "Oh no!" Harry said, jumping out of the bed and getting dressed. "I'll back breakfast" Ginny said to him, walking downstairs. Harry was downstairs and eating in no time. "How are ron and hermione?" Harry inquired as he chowed down on the delicious eggs and bacon. "Mione said they were back together again. I think they really do love each other. Speaking of, I was thinking i'd take teddy over to my mum and go visit mione" ginny told harry. "Sounds good honey" he said, kissing her cheek. "I've got to get to work now, I love you!" And with that harry turned on the spot and dissaparated. Ginny woke teddy, and once they were ready, she dropped him off at the Weasleys. She then headed to hermiones apartment. She knocked on the door.


I had just finished breakfast and was tidiing up when I heard a knock. I opened the door and there stood Ginny! She squealed and we rushed into each other arms. "I haven't seen you in forever!" She exclaimed as we sat down and I pulled out two butter beers. "Yeah well, Ron took me on a mysterious vacation! And guess what!?!?" I said, taking a big gulp of my drink. "What? Tell me!!" Ginny pleaded. "Ron...he...he proposed!!!" I shrieked. "What?!?! Finally!!! When's the wedding? Let me see the ring!" Ginny screamed, fussing over every little detail. I laughed, and told her we hadn't yet set a date, but we wanted it to be in august. "But that's only three months away!" She said. "Yeah, well...!" "Congrats Mione! I'm really happy for you. I know he really loves you." "no need to get all soppy on me" I said, embarrassed. We spent the rest of the day catching up, until at 4:30 ginny had to leave. "Harry will be home and I have to tell him the news!" She said before disaparating. I chuckled and went indies to get ready for my date with Ron.

Ginny and Harry, after the warWhere stories live. Discover now