Chapter 2

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Hi!!! sorry for the long wait but i'm acutally preparing my midterms and it's really stressful!

Anyway, I hope you'll like this new chapter! i'll try to update as soon as possible, 



There were 3 days left until the end of the shooting. Gaga was feeling a little bit sad, but happy at the same time. This project was one of the best thing that had happened to her. She never had an artistic experience like that before. Bradley really made one of her biggest dream came true.

They all became a little family on the set, the bond they all had will last forever. Especially with Bradley. Her feelings for him kept growing and growing, unfortunately she thought. She was feeling great with Christian, he was really a great guy, and he took care of her... But she couldn't stop thinking he was not the right man for her.

She got out of the shower trying to erase those thoughts. She was preparing herself to go to the restaurant. Bradley invited her to spend some time together since it's been a long time they didn't do anything just the two of them. Even though they work every day together, they needed to catch up.

She went for a casual look. She wore her hair in a bun and was wearing a white shirt with  black jeans and black boots.

She got out of the bathroom and went to her patio, waiting for Bradley. He was going to pick her up with his motorbike. She loved riding with him so much. She remembers the first time they had dinner together. It was two weeks after they first met. They went on his motorbike to her favorite Italian restaurant in Malibu. They had talked for hours and hours. It was truly one of a kind connection.


'So, how are things going with Christian?' Bradley asked while pouring wine in Stefani's glass

'Oh, well fine... and you with Irina?' She replied with a fake smile.

'Fine too... so when's the wedding?'

'Oh I don't know, not now, I'm not ready yet' She sighed

'Not ready?' He raised his eyebrow 'then why did you accept his proposal?'

'Ugh well, because I feel good when I'm with him, he's really great you know'

'There's a difference between feeling good with someone and loving him. I mean, I don't see why you'd marry someone just because you feel good with him...' He replied a little bit concerned

'Well it's my problem then, not yours, don't worry about me' She said harshly

'I do worry about you Stefani...' He emphasized on the do

'I know but really, I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me...' She smiled at him putting her hand on his, he caressed hers gently with his thumb smiling back, eyes locked.

'So, what will you have for dessert?' He suddenly said, breaking the silence

'Hum... I don't know, choose for me and surprise me' She told him, raising an eyebrow with a smirk

'Challenge accepted'


The sound of two laugh and a sound of motor were breaking the silence of the streets, Stefani was holding hard on Bradley's waist, pressing her chest against his back. They were like two kids, giggling at some stupid jokes Bradley made. He really knew how to make her laugh. He loved hearing her laugh, she had this cute way of snoring and he found that it was adorable. He wished the night would've been longer, he was going to drop her at her house and just leave... Like two regular friends, because that's what they are. Just two friends. He kept reminding himself.

He turned on the right and entered Gaga's courtyard he stopped his motorbike right in front of her patio.

He got off of the motorbike and took Gaga's hand in his to help her.

'Thanks' she said

'No problem' he smiled, taking off his helmet.

'Ugh.. could you help me? I think it's stuck' She asked him, struggling to take off hers.

'Yeah sure' He approached her and slip his hand near her face, trying  to unlock the buckle which seemed broken.

'Fuck I think it's broken, do you have scissors?'

'Hum yeah, come in'

She opened her door and walked to her kitchen, Bradley following her. She opened the drawer and took the scissor, before she could try to cut off the buckle herself, Bradley took them out of her hand.

'Let me do, you're gonna hurt yourself' He said looking at her beautiful neck, he tried to be as gentle as possible, he didn't notice her shivers when he touched her face and neck. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore that feeling. She opened her eyes when she felt he finished cutting off the broken piece of the helmet. His hand was laying on her collarbone, he was looking at her face with those deep blue eyes. Their eyes locked. She smiled fondly at him and before she could open her mouth he whispered :

'Done...' He smiled and took the helmet off of her head

'Thank you Bradley... Wanna stay a little longer?'

Please say yes she thought.

'Yeah why not, come on, I want you to sing me something on the piano'

He took her hand, intertwining their fingers and walked her to the piano in her living room. He seemed so excited. He loved so much hearing her sing. She really had the voice of an angel and always sings with raw emotions. It's so impressive to watch.

She sat down at the piano, and started playing few notes. Bradley was sitting next to her, watching her hands dance on the keyboard. She started humming the tune of 'Is that alright ?' she stopped doing so for few seconds before the pre-chorus, took a deep breath and then, started saying the words to the song :

'Nothing you said wouldn't interest me
All of your words are like poems to me
I would be honored if you would take me as I am'

She closed her eyes while singing this part, she could feel Bradley stare on her

'I want you to look right in my eyes
To tell me you love me, to be by my side'

She opened her eyes and looked at Bradley who was in a moment of awe, she sang with all her guts, with all the love and respect she had for Bradley, and at this exact moment, she thought he would be dumb if he didn't notice she was in love with him

'I want you at the end of my life
I wanna see your face, when I fall with grace
At the moment I die
Is that alright?
Is that alright?

She stopped singing, her eyes still locked with Bradley's, she was breathing heavily, their face were so close. Both of their heart skipped a beat, butterflies in their stomach went wild. They could see the signs of sexual tension streaming through the air like some unstoppable force. And though the chemistry was so strong, they were both unable to act on it.

Bradley shook his head and broke the eye contact, he tried to ignore that strange feeling in his guts.

He always felt kind of attracted to Gaga, she was a beautiful and intelligent woman. No one could deny that. But in that moment... He felt many things about her. And he shouldn't. He had a wife, and a baby. She was getting married.

'I think I should go... Irina is going to be worried' He said as he got up.

Stefani closed her eyes and felt her heart aching.

'Yeah sure... see you tomorrow Bradley' Her voice almost breaking, avoiding his stare.

Bradley was just standing in front of her, the arms dangling

'Good night Stefani, thank you for this evening' He kissed her on the cheek and turned around.

She didn't even follow him to walk him to his motorbike. It was beyond her strength. She just watched him leave, and hoped this little incident won't change anything between them.

As regards Bradley, he just told himself it was their characters who got the upper hand.

i don't wanna be friends - lady gaga x bradley cooperWhere stories live. Discover now