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Chapter 11: INCOMING!

"Iemitsu!" A voice called,

"Huh?" Iemitsu lands back on the ground and turns around to see an infant running towards him. Hiroshi and Enma stared at the infant in confusion, they didn't recognize who it was. The voice belonged to a female and she wore a crimson cape with a infrared visor. She...She also had pacifier on her.

Who..Who was she?

"Lal Mirch?" Iemistu called, "You're back, did you find out anything?"

The infant stood in front of Iemitsu, taking her visor off and looked him in the eye.

"The enemy's base location...Has been confirmed."

Everyone gathered in the conference room. True to the engineers of Vongola and Spanner, they finished the entire base in a just week.

And now, everyone is gathered at the large conference room, with Lal Mirch standing on the table.

"Let me introduce myself first." Lal Mirch greets everyone, "My name is Lal Mirch and I am a member CEDEF and a former instructor of COMBUSIN."

COMBUSIN? Didn't...Collonnello used to be a member there too, right? Hiroshi recalls. He looked over at Colonnello, who was smiling at Lal.

"I'll be direct and straight to the point." Lal said, placing a map on the table and pressed her finger against a certain location. They all huddled up to see where she was pointing and it only left them confused.

"W-What?" Hiroshi said, "Their base is...the shopping mall?"

"No!" Lal yells, smacking Hiroshi's face.

"W-What the hell was that for!?"

"Back to the main subject," Lal interrupts him, "Their hideout or base is called the Merone Base and it is connected to an underground shopping mall. Damn, it was right under our noses the entire time."

"How were you able to find it?"

"Flame signals and of course, with a friend's help."

"A friend's help?" They questioned. Enma places a finger under his chin and wandered into his thoughts, thinking of anyone that could help them locate the base. Of course! Enma remembered,

"Y-You don't mean-"

"Yup," Lal replied, "He's back and he's alright. He wasn't caught, luckily."

"Wait," Hiroshi said, "Are you guys talking about that guy you had to cut off communications with because he almost got caught?"

"Yeah!" Enma said, "What else? Did he say anything else?"

"..." Lal suddenly went silent,

"And here comes the bad news." Colonnello sighed,

"Shut up!" Lal yells, gritting her teeth and clenching her fist. "I...The enemy. The enemy is a Famiglia called...The Milliefiore Famiglia."


"And...just as Tsuna predicted and the messages he left us..The Milliefiore is after the Arcobaleno."

"Us?" Verde said,

"Yes." Lal answers, "Their goal is to collect the Tri-ni-sette and use it to recreate all of existence. In other words, they want our powers, pacifiers and Vongola Rings, and the Shimon Rings are a bonus."

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