#16 - No Choice

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Chpater 16: No Choice

Everyone was gathered in the conference room. Literally everyone, no one was left behind, an exception for Lambo who was resting in the clinic. Irie Shoichi was in front, trembling. Hiroshi was the first to speak, breaking the silence consuming the room.

"Explain, now."



"F-For those who do not me.." Shoichi began, "My name is Irie Shoichi and..I was the spy. I was the one giving you information and...I..I was also the one who..who shot T-Tsuna-kun."

"Bastard!" Gokudera shouts, grabbing Shoichi by the collar,

"Gokudera." Reborn calls, "Let him go."

"But Reborn-san...Tsk."Gokudera pushes Shoichi and crosses his arms. Shoichi trembles in fear and looked at Hiroshi, who was glaring darkly at him.

"Why?" Hiroshi asked,

"...He asked me to do it."


The entire Vongola fell shock, along with the Avversario and Arcobaleno.

"W-What do you mean he asked you do it?" Yamamoto asked,

Everyone also looked at the Shimon Family, who remained silent and...dawned guilty expressions.

"O-Oi, why do you guys look like that?" Ryohei asked.

Hibari slammed his fist on the wall, "You all better explain this, herbivores."

Shoichi continues, "A-Actually...Byakuran-san is a classmate of mine from school and...We were friends. We always hung out together and played games. I thought nothing of it, but suddenly. I  got this weird headache all of the sudden and..."


"Memories. I suddenly received memories from my parallel selves."


"And what I saw...Byakuran-san ruled every parallel universe, he had destroyed everything, controlled everything, he was god of all the other parallel worlds. Except for this one. At first, I didn't believe, but...I had no choice."


"Byakuran-san has this ability to mentally connect himself to every other Byakuran in every other parallel worlds. The ability to be able to see the other parallel worlds, but he has to rest for a while to use the ability again."

Shoichi continues,

"And then one day, all of the sudden. He came up to me, saying that I knew about the mafia and everything. And...He invited me join the Gesso Famiglia. That was the last push, so I told Tsuna-kun about and...Enma too."

"Enma...You knew?"

Enma looks away, bowing his head.

"I didn't give Byakuran my response, but all of the sudden...attacks were happening. My family was suddenly attacked, the classmates I held dear. Even the Vongola, Enma's Famigla, everything that I had..." Shoichi covers his right eye with his eye, "So I accused Byakuran and I joined his family and...the attacks stopped."


"Then...He gave me test of loyalty."

Enma grits his teeth,

"Byakuran-san told me...If I was truly loyal to him, then kill..."Sawada Tsunayoshi," The boy who will get in the way of his plans."

"And you..." Hiroshi stood up, "You killed my little brother...?"

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