The One With Karenina's Idea

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Jessica's POV

I walked into the room where Karenina lied on the bed reading a book.

"Hey, cutie, where were you?" She folded the page in her book and came to me, smiling.

"Talking to your husband." That hurt badly to say.

It wasn't fair. She doesn't even like him. I smiled despite the hurt because she only sees me as a peasant. I am just someone for her to toy with. Tears welled in my eyes and I blinked them away, still holding my smile. She carefully lifted me and held me to her stomach, looking in my eyes.

"Honey, you know I love you, right?" She spoke slowly and kindly as my jaw fell open.

"W-What?" Is all I could muster when the tears did fall.

"Aww, baby, don't cry. I'm here. You're okay." She kissed my forehead, sitting on the bed with me in her lap.

"Y-You like me?" I asked, still confused.

"No, angel, I love you." She kissed me again on the lips. I clung to her dress, holding onto her tight. But she hated me. She married him.

"B-But-" she interrupted, putting her finger to my lips.

"Sh. That's all you need to worry about, Jessica. I love you and you are mine. I want to be here for you through everything. I want to be with you forever. I want you to be mine forever. Okay?" I smiled widely, excitedly nodding and hugging her tightly.

"Good. How about we go get some food?" She bounced me as she carried me through the castle.

It was kinda eerie. All the windows were blocked so that the people who watched the wedding couldn't see in. Lots of people were rushing around for the ball.

"You have to make the appearance with the King at the ball. You two have to make a speech together and recite your vows again." She gasped, seeming to realize something. She sped up her walk to the kitchen.

"What?" I questioned, confused.

"I need to talk to Noah." She quickly asked the lady in the kitchen for a small glass of wine and a sandwich.

The woman came back moment later with the meal and handed it to us. She put me down so she could carry the food but kept my hand in hers. Her mother soon stopped us in the hall.

"What is this?!" Her mother spoke, well yelled, quizzically, motioning at me.

"This is Jessica." The new Queen smiled and pulled me closer. Damn. I just realized I am being screwed by a queen. Go me! I bit my lip so I wouldn't giggle.

"She is a peasant. She is the one you were fucking! She is why you were late to the wedding!" My breath got stuck in my throat while Karenina just laughed, rubbing my hip.

"Where did you hear that?" She still laughed lightly.

"The cleanup crew found female discharge on the bed during the wedding!" She whispered shouted.

"Well damn, we should have been more careful about that, babe?" I was glowing red and couldn't speak. She gave me an assuring squeeze on my hip, handing me the juice.

"You disgust me. Don't do anything stupid."

"Don't worry, Mother. You have always disgusted me. I was just on my way to do something stupid. You can't stop me either." The old Queen was about to speak, but the current Queen didn't leave time for that.

"You are the peasant now. I am the Queen. Guess you'll think twice in your next life about marrying someone off without their consent. Now, I have a kingdom to tend to." My mouth was again, left open as I was pulled to Noah's room. Karenina knocked on the door and John opened it.

"Sorry, if I interrupted anything, but I had an idea!" She spoke excitedly to Noah. He tried to calm her as he took the  from her.

"Why the hell do you have a sandwich and wine? If this is part of your idea I am intrigued." Everyone laughed.

"No, no. It's for her. Can she sit somewhere to eat it?" He nodded and motioned to a chair beside the bed. I sat down and slowly ate my sandwich, listening.

Karenina's POV

"Why is she eating now? There will be tons of food at the ball." Noah asked, not minding my idea.

"Because, there with be all this high class fancy food that she's never had at the ball. Now listen to my idea!" He laughed and nodded.

"I don't know if this is a possibility, but I want to be able to hang out with my girlfriend at the dance and I am sure you wanna hang out with your boyfriend-" he interrupted.

"Fiance." My eyes got huge.

"Fuck! What did I miss?! I am such a shitty wife." We laughed again, and I continued. "Well, you probably want some time with your fiance, so- John can you cover her ears?" I pointed to Jessica who pouted. He nodded and placed his hands over the sides of her head. "What if all four of us ruled the kingdom together? We can make the announcement at the ball!" Noah smiled, seeming ecstatic.

"We are the King and Queen. Nobody can stop us! There should seriously be something to counteract us. We are young and dumb." John motioned to uncover her ears and I shook my head no.

"I want to ask her to marry me tonight." Noah squealed.

"Oh my God! Do it! Wait, are we gonna be able to all agree on how to run an empire?" I rolled my eyes.

"We are still King and Queen. We can discuss our stuff with them if we choose, but we get final say." He nodded and squealed, jumping again. I then nodded at John, who uncovered Jessica's ears.

"What happened?" She asked, bashfully.

"You and John are going to be hanging out with us at the ball tonight." She smiled brightly and nodded.

"I want you and Noah to go get our officials and clothing. Me and John need to handle something as well."

"Wait, what's that?" Noah asked looking confused and so did John.

"You will see." I pointed at Noah. "You just agree with me for a bit." I pointed at John who shrugged and nodded.

"Wait, but-" Noah started but John interrupted.

"I won't let anything happen, babe. Calm down." He pouted and left the room with Jessica. I turned to John.

"We have to get wedding rings!" He laughed.

"I knew you had something clever." We walked out of the palace and left to see the jewelry store.

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