The One With The Big Fight

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Noah's POV

I walked through the corridors with Jessica, "So, you and John, huh?"

"Yeah, I suppose so." I said trying not to give away that Karenina was gonna ask Jessica to be her wife.

"I can't believe it, and I can't wait to carry your baby."

"Aww, Jessi... can I call you that?" She nodded, "Well that's so sweet of you."

"Karenina doesn't know, yet so... I was kind hoping you'd tell her for me."

"Sure! I'll do anything for you, we have to stick together, right?"

"Right." I looked at her for a long moment and took her in. She was actually pretty cute, and the same height as me. It was funny, we both looked like a bunch of kids standing here together.

"Hey, I have a great idea."


"Follow me."

I grabbed her hand and ran down the corridors to the designers room where seven high class designers were designing dresses for the ball.

"Alright, stop what your doing, I have a new project for you."

"Ooh, what are they going to do?"

I walked over to the head designer and whispered, "I need a flowing light pink dress made of the finest silks you have, then I need you to make another flowing dress, but sparkling and it needs to be a light blue. And to go with that I'll also need a purple suit decked out in flowers and make it as feminine as possible, then I'll need your typical suit, but the sleeves need to be short and insisted of dress pants makes them dress shorts." I wasn't missing out on the chance of seeing John's bulge in this thing.

"Whoa, this is quite the project, dear King."

"Yep, now get to it."

"Yes, sir."

I led Jessica out of the room, "What was that all about?" She asked.

"Nothing, I just had to make a new order, and it's classified." I said.

"Oh, okay. Where do you think Karenina and John went?"

"I'm not sure, but they'll be back soon."

We walked for a bit more before running into my dad who stopped me.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?" He asked, "...alone."

"Why can't Jessica be around?" I asked.

"Who's Jessica? Oh, you call the help by name?"

"Yes, it makes them feel like they are something better than dirt, you know?"

"Don't use that tone with me!"

"Why, you don't control me anymore! You don't to tell me what to do!"

"I'm your father!"

"And I'm the King."

"Oh, please. You're just a child."

"Whatever, what do you want?"

"Well, I regret to inform you that the help cleaning up your room back at the castle found some very disturbing stuff."

I tired to think back to when John and I had sex, trying to remember anything we might have left behind.

"Men's undergarments, that belonged to two different men were found under your bed. There were semen stains in your covers and many types of... toys your closet.  So, we think that two men may have snuck into your room and had sex while you were gone."

"Um... Dad?"


"Those weren't two strangers... it was me and John."


"Yeah... we're kinda going out."

"I... I can't believe you... you're a disgrace to the family name!"

"I'm the disgrace?!"

"Noah, I think we should go..." Jessica said pulling on my arm.

"Not now, Jessi." I said shrugging her off and facing my father. "How fucking dare you! You can't call me the disgrace to this family!"

"Why not?!"

"Because... because you're the reason Mom died! You're the reason why I've had to put up with all these piece of shit mothers for the last six years!"

"I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do! You were being robbed and you being the coward you are, led her down to the safe room and when the thieves caught you, you pushed her in front of you and they killed her! You have no idea how long I've waited to tell you this, I saw the whole thing! I walked down there, me being the curious ten year old I was and watch as they beat her to death! I've kept this inside me forever and now, it's finally out."

Tears strolled down my face and my father looked at the ground.

"We both know that I tried everything in my power to stop them."

"Let's say you did, that doesn't mean you're still not a shitty father!"

"I was the best damn father you ever had!"

"No you weren't! When I was kidnapped and used for ransom you didn't even bother to come rescue me! They tortured me for months! Raping and abusing me! You have no idea how much shit I've been through! Every time I wanted to talk to you, you were too busy getting drunk or gambling! You're the reason I'm such an asshole, you're the reason I steal from you, and you're just a fucking bastard, you know that?"

"Well... well at least I'm not living my life as a lie."

My face heated up and I gritted my teeth and ran at him, but two people grabbed my arms and pulled me away. A crowd had gathered around us.

"I'll kill you! I'll slit your goddamn throat you bastard!" I yelled as John and Karenina dragged me upstairs to my room.

John's POV

Noah yelled and squirmed as we dragged him into his room. I walked him to the bed and sat him on my lap as he struggled to get loose. Once, he'd given up he curled up into my lap and sobbed.

"Sweetie, it's okay." I said rubbing his back.

"No, it's not. He called me a disgrace." He said.

"Well, homosexuality isn't as normal as we wish it was."

"I know, but after all the horrible things he's done, why does he get to call me a disgrace."

"Because, like you said, he's an old bastard."

"Thanks, Babe."

"You're welcome, and after all the guest started leaving, Karenina and I scheduled the ball for tomorrow. And after seeing what happened we're all just gonna get a good nights sleep."

"Okay, Babe."

"And by the way, I wasn't gonna tell you until later, but the Viridian Empire is raiding your fathers kingdom right now."

He laughed and wiped away his tears, "That'll teach him."

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