The Hater. Smosh Fanfiction 6

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What am I suppose to do? Scream for help? No, she'll kill us. Call 911? No, I won't get the chance to even reach for the phone. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear her say; "The things that just happend, can be helped, and are not life threatening. Ian, come here and I'll show everyone what in fact is life threathing." I shiver when I see Ian standing up from the couch and walking to the seat next to Lydia. This is'nt human. I can't believe a 15-year old is torturing us. "Don't put the knife on the heart, writst, side of the head, of on you neck. If you 'accidently' cut these area's, you'll be in big danger." She puts the knife on Ian's neck. He looks at me and I say; "You're a very good friend, buddy. If something happens, I'll never forget you." I cry. "Me too man.." Ian starts to cry as well. "SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU!" Lydia screams. She looks at Ian. "Say bye to the viewers.." Ian cries and says 'goodbye'. I look away. I don't want to see anything happening, whatever it is. God, please don't do it...please...


After telling the officer everything, an ambulance and even a SWAT team surrounded Ian's house. "We take this very serious, it's the same as a hostage, you gotta be careful." I nodded, and cried, thinking of someone hurting them. Sometimes you could hear her scream, like 'shut up' or 'sit down'. I just hoped everything was okay. After waiting almost a hour, I could hear Anthony scream. My heart broke. What was going on in there? I could hear her laughing. Then suddenly, the door opend. A young girl walked out, holding a bloody knife. They arrested her and the SWAT team entered the house. I ran to the door, the officer trying to stop me. I wanted to see what was going on. I ran into the living room. I saw them laying on the ground. Dead. I cried. I fell on my knees and cried. Then I hear gun shots outside. I run to the door, seeing two SWAT members running at someone. I hear the news. She escaped. 

{Did not turn out like you that it would right? Sad chapter... :'( If you think this is it, well, joke's on you! Sneak peek? Kalel is getting some badass revenge!}

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