Chapter 1

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*Zachs POV*

Well its been about a month since we all left the big brother house. I made enemys, friends and a best friend that i could never forget but dumbass me i listened to everyone in our group and betrayed my best friends trust. My best friend was Frankie j. grande. He will never forgive me. How do i know that. Well they had a jurur competion to see which jurur would come back to the house and belive it or not frankie won and then he got hoh put me up and kicked me out. At first i felt like how could he do this. Then i realized he's just reciting the play called "Zachs plan" (A/N: ik that isnt a play im just trying to be creative) well we got to final 2 and it was frankie and derrick// frankie won fan favorite and derrick won it all. I voted for frankie of course. At the finale party i asked frankie to take a picture with me and he straight up told me no. This sucks i betrayed my best friend am i will never see him again. The only way i can is if i look at his youtube channel. Ughh what was it ohya its frankiejgrande. I type it in and a really emotioanla video pops up "What Zankie meant to me" I had to watch it.

*Frankies POV*

Well u all no what happened in the big brother house cuz you watch the show if u didnt then why r u reading this cuz u will be really confused haha. Well anyways im still heart broken over the zankie breakup and had to make a video of it. i set up my camera and hit record and started// "Well ik that some of u zankie fans are still upset over the breakup between us ans how things ended. I didnt want it to end that way either trust me #zankiearmy. I thought we were going to be friends forever througout the show and after big brother. But he betrayed me he put me on the block without a reasoning of course id be upset. I did forgive everyone else in our group but him. Cuz they told me the real truth this was all zachs idea. but anyways back to the actual video. What zankie meant to me. Notice how i used meant cuz if it still mattered it would been called 'What zankie means to me' but it doesnt mean shit to me anymore. But when it did mean something i felt like i had my sister in the house with me someone to keep a smile on y face give me a laugh and actually enjoy my danceing. We had our own little dance do u guys remeber it? i bet u do lmao-well i have to go now ily all and remeber BUY RE'S NEW ALBUM US GRANDES WOULD APRICIATE IT" "Oh and one

more thing guys im gonna be in flordia for a

meet and greet so come and meet me thankss" and with that i end the video, I hope zach doesnt se this video or come.

*Zachs POV*

Frankies in flordia im def coming to see him. I buy my tickets and niw im good

*Frankies POV*

i check to see who has bought tickets yet and one name stood out unlike any others Zach Rance

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