Chapter 6

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*frankies POV*

         Its been about a month? Ya month since i talked to zach. Ya like im goa listen to that fake ass sobby story. I call up victoria to see if she wants to go to the concert for my sister she screamed and then said yes. I also told her that my cousin and her friend were coming with us and they were big big brother fans so after words we were gonna have a party she was 100% fine with it and i told her i would get her in 10 min so we coukld go get somewthing to eat.

*Jennas POV*

        Hey im the grandes cousin lmao. I know some people are so jelly haha. Fankie called me saying thst he was gonna come pick up me asnd my friend MIcaela to go get something to eat with victoria. OMFG i get to meet victoria. "Micaela ya ready" i scream. "Ya coming" she says and opens the bathroom door. We were matching with pink and blue tye dye crop tops and leggings and black vans.

        Once she was done we headed out and saw frankie just about to walk p to the car "Frankieee omg i missed you sosososo much congrats on 2nd place" i said engulfing him into a hug. "Omg i missed ms. sass queen and micaela i dint have a nickname for you yet since i met you the day i left for the house" he laughs huggin us both. All of a sudden Victoria comes out of the car "Frankie can we go now im starving" she groans "Ya coming" he says "OMG you guys are soo pretty like omg so jelaose" vicotia said to me and micaela "Haha thanks" i blush

        "Oh frankie my boy friends gonna be there so be nice to him" i laugh "Who your boyfriend or the cousin" he asks "How did you know they are both boys" i question "Oh i thought you said them" Frankie laughs " Ohhh lmao and of course both" i laugh.

*Frankies POV*

        Victoria really likes Jenna wow. I silently laugh to myself jenna is so excited me and victoria are gonna move in together you know in a friendly way just cuz its so hard not being near each other its a friend thing. Ha weird i dont even feel this way about zach.... Oh wait never mind we arent even friends hahaha. We finally reached the areana the concert was being held. Jenna, Victoria, Micaela and i were all instantly recognized and we couldnt upset fans so we took pics with them. "Frakie we have to go matt just texted me saying that they are here waiting for us" she tells me "OK, Bye guys enjoy thew show" i sing and we head in. Once we entwer backstage Jenna and Micaela go running to this boy and there is another one there supposedly his cousin. He looks my age. I walk to hi to give him a friendly hi. This guy is gonna be my friend m==by the end of the night i can feel it lol. "Hi im frankie" i say to the guy "Frankie" the guy turns around and its a guy i know wayyyy to much.......Zach Rance.

Omg guys i cant belive bb is over ahh i so sad but anyways good job to Derrick. Well i freaking out cuz derrick liked my pic on ig on my bb accout @bigbrotheraddict_ follow me if you want. Well anyways comment how you think the concerts gonna go down now that zachs in the house..... Will they be #zankie again or enemys? comment what you think i should do bye guys love yall

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