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Rye : Fair point.
Me : So how will I ask her ?
Rye : Well ......
Ryes PoV
I was trying to think of a way to ask Abi out for Andy on the spot and then something hit me.
Me : What we are going to do is I am going find out what her favourite song is then you are going to play it for her then after you ask here.
Andy : I still don't understand how you think of these things on the spot.
Me : It's just what I do. So I will be back with Abis fav song.
I went into the living room and then saw Abi and the rest of the boys they were jut talking.
Jack : So Rye what's up.
Rye : Nothing really can I ask everyone what's there favourite song.
Mikey: My fav is .... Well I don't really have a favourite song.
Jack : Mines I want it that way by The Backstreet Boys
Harvey : Mine is I wasn't worried well by you guys.
Me: How about you Abi?
Abi : Mine is Counting Stars  by one Republic
Me: That's one of the best songs I have ever heard. Ok right I have to go I will speak to you guys later.
Andy's POV
I was waiting in the kitchen for Rye to come back and then he comes back.
Me : So did you find out?
Rye : Yep and it's a good song.
Me : What song ?
Rye : Counting Stars by One Republic.
Me : Wow that is a good one and is is bad that kinda already know that song of by heart ?
Rye : Of course not.
Abi : You to alright ?
Me : Yep we all alright.
Abi : Do you want tea ?
Rye : Does Andy Fowler want tea ? What type of question is that ?
Abi : A sensible and polite one.
Me : She has a point and yes I would love a tea.
Hey guys sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I won't be able to post I till after Christmas. So merry Christmas everyone.

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