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As soon as my head touched the pillow I went into a deep back sleep
Mikeys PoV
I woke up this morning because I was going out for a run when I realised that Abi wasn't on the sofa. I looked in everyone's bed. Then I saw her and Andy cuddled up together. Then Rey woke up.
Rye : Hey Mate
Me : Hey. So when sis they become a thing ?
Rye : Since last night but you guys were all asleep so I think they were going to tell you today.
Andy's PoV
I woke up and could hear Rye and Mikey talking about me and Abi. When they finished I sat up carefully because Abi fell asleep on me.
Me : Morning guys be careful you don't wake up my girlfriend.
Brook : Wait What Who has a girlfriend.
Then Abi woke up because of how loud Brook was.
Abi : Mr Andy Fowler.
Brook : Oh my god you two make the cutest couple ever seen of this planet.
2 hours later.
It was about 12:30 and Blair walked into our room. He had to talk to Harvey about something.
Harvey's PoV
Blair : Can I talk to Harvey please.
Me : Of course.
I walked out of the room seeing Andy and Abi cuddling together and I knew she was the one I wanted and the one I was going to get.
Me : What's up
Blair : Well in about 2-3 months you , me , Abi and Ginger are going America to shot the Talk to ya video and we will be out there for about 1-2 months.
Me : Are we actually.
Blair : Yep.
Me : Have you booked the tickets yet?
Blair : No not yet why do you ask ?
Me : You will find out in good time.
Blair's PoV
I talked to Harvey and seemed cool with it so now the only person to talk to was Abi.
Me : Abi can we have a word.
Abi : Of course.
Me : Me , you , Ginger and Harvey are all going out to America in a couple of months to film Talk to ya.
Abi : Are the boys coming.
Me : No why
Abi : Because I am not going unless the boys come
Me : May I ask why.
Abi : Yes Of course just give me one minute please.
So Abi goes into the room and Her and Andy come out holding hands.
Me : May I ask why are you two holding hands ?
Andy : Yes. Blair I would like you to meet my girlfriend and she is not going to America unless I am coming with her.
Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this part. Today is Harvey's birthday (28th January 2019) so massive happy birthday to him.
And I will see you on Wednesday for the next part
Esmè 🌵🌵

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