chapter four; afterbirth

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Standing in the elevator with Julien, Primrose pondered Ms. Mead's words from earlier; what had she meant by 'a man like you'?

Primrose had never really met anyone like herself, she always felt like an outcast, like she was much too different, too unusual for the world. The people of the sanctuary were harsh and cruel, something Primrose didn't feel capable of.

Perhaps that's why she was drawn to Etu, because she saw something similar in him? Perhaps they were kindred spirits, of sorts.

Though of course, it seemed far more likely that Ms. Mead was simply referring to the fireplace incident, but Prim had yet to decide in her mind what kind of person would be capable of that.

Nonetheless, the concept of this mystery man Ms. Mead was sending to her, with as yet undefined similarities, was a confounding yet admittedly exciting one. Primrose had always been quite lonely too, she relished the idea of new company.

Putting the matter to one side, Prim selected level one on the elevator.

"So what exactly is our plan?" Julien enquired.

"We need to go to level one to talk to Etu, he can help us sneak into the medical ward on level two. I know which midwife delivered me because of my birth certificate," Primrose held the paper aloft in her hand for emphasis; it was a faded yellow color, stating her first name (her last name left blank for security measures), the nurse who delivered her, her gender and weight, but the space allotted for the names of her parents was empty. "If I can find her, I can ask her what I need to know."

"Which is?"

Completing her mission while keeping Julien in the dark was going to be difficult, but she had to persevere; her identity was secret for a reason, and the uncertainty meant she couldn't be sure who to trust.

"That's on a need-to-know basis." She evasively replied.

The ding of the elevator signaled that they had reached their destination, level one.

Level one was still underground like the rest of the sanctuary, but it was the level closest to the surface. In theory, the closer you are to the overground, the more susceptible you are to radiation poisoning and cannibal attacks, which is why level one was occupied by staff and servants; their lives were seen as less valuable and more expendable.

Primrose took Julien by the hand, knowing exactly where to go. It wasn't her first time on level one, she would often sneak food from level eight to Etu's room, aware that resources were not distributed equally between the servants and the rich.

The halls were narrow, and the rooms cramped and in disarray, the wails of mistreated children reverberated around the corridor; a far cry from the living arrangements Julien was used to.

"God, Prim. Why are we doing this? Consorting with the help. Yuck." Julien looked down his nose at a passing child, dressed in rags and carrying an assortment of empty serving trays.

"Don't be such a yuppie." She scoffed.

"A whattie?"

Primrose rolled her eyes. "Never mind."

Finally they reached Etu's room and she knocked twice upon the door before letting herself in.

Etu practically jumped out of his skin at the intrusion.

"It's okay, it's just me." Primrose spoke calmly. "I brought a friend."

She gestured for Julien to introduce himself but the boy merely scoffed and turned away, lingering in the doorway.

Etu's eyes were transfixed upon the floor, too nervous to make eye contact with the intruders in his room.

"We need your help with something."

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