chapter six; daydreamer.

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Warning! This chapter contains; teacher kink, spanking, dirty talk, mild degradation, choking, general smut.


He sat at his desk, engrossed in the papers he was marking, his eyebrows knitted together in deep thought. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other with impatience, whining quietly at the lack of attention.

He looked up from his work on the desk to fix her with a steely gaze and she immediately ceased her restless behavior; she knew what that look was.

It was a warning.

"Is something the matter, Primrose?" He asked, his outwardly calm appearance a mere facade.

"No." She mumbled, fiddling with the hem of her dangerously short plaid skirt.

"Excuse me?"

"No, sir." She quickly corrected herself.

The smallest of smiles played upon his lips at her obedient response. "That's better."

His eyes still firmly upon her, he sat up from his chair at the desk and handed her the paper he had just finished marking.

"But your grades aren't."

She felt her heart sink at the sight of the low mark he had given her; this simply wouldn't do!

And then it occurred to her.

Her terrible grades... her uncontrollable desire for him...

Perhaps those were two birds that could be killed with one stone.

Turning on her charm, she carelessly tossed the paper behind her, not particularly caring where it landed. Flirtatiously, she lay one hand flat against his chest while the other tugged at his tie.

"Perhaps I haven't been properly motivated, sir?"

A long period of silence passed where he neither reciprocated nor rejected her advances, he let her words hang heavy in the air so she would have no choice but to recognize the full extent of what she had said. He knew the longer he left it, the more nervous and needy she would be. One of his favorite things about his dear student was how easy it was to discompose her.

And he did so love to watch her squirm.

Without warning, he spun her around and pushed her against the desk. He grabbed a fistful of her hair to expose her neck to him, and she couldn't help but moan as he tugged harshly at the root.

"You think it's a question of motivation, do you Prim?" He spoke lowly, his breath hot on her skin. The feeling of his lips so close to her neck was so overwhelming, she wanted nothing more than for him to just bite down and mark her as his own.

With his free hand, his fingers trailed down her body, pausing briefly to fondle her breast beneath her white button-up shirt, but their real destination was in between her legs.

He was just about to give her what she desired when she impatiently grinded against the prominent bulge in his trousers, and his actions ceased immediately.

She knew as soon as she had done it what was coming next, she had been pushing her luck with him already but this was to be the final straw.

Removing her from his embrace, he shoved her forwards onto the desk, and briskly lifted up her skirt, revealing her bare bottom.

He tutted and shook his head. "No panties? Such a bad girl."

She was glad her face was concealed pressed against the desk so he could not see her blush at his words.

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