chapter eight; satyr satisfies nymph.

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WARNING, THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS; semi rough sex, graphic depiction of self mutilation, satanism. basically everything that is a sin lmao.


"O father, thou who art in hell!"

Primrose stood concealed in the corner, transfixed upon her tutor in a state of shock.

"Give me strength, father!"

The room illuminated entirely by candles, their soft glow perfectly highlighting the contours of his fully naked body.

"Strength to resist the wicked temptation of her heavenly, nubile flesh!"

He rested wearily upon his knees, the floor soaked in his own blood. Primrose could barely process the sight before her as something that was actually happening.

He looked at up in awe.

"Persistent little thing, aren't you?"

How on earth had she got herself into this situation?

Only a few moments prior she was safely within her room, reading the magick book's entry on transmutation. It had read:

The art of transmutation is an ability dependent on the mind and sheer strength of will. Picture yourself in the spot you desire, and with the essence of your being you must call out to it, and let your soul lead you there.

Primrose didn't have a specific place in mind, she just knew that wherever he was, she wanted to be too.

In hindsight, it might've been an error in judgement.

And so here she was, shivering under the gaze of her tutor... as he lay fully naked in the middle of some sort of satanic ritual...

She gasped as his coal black eyes met hers.

His eyes! Just like the dream! she thought to herself.

He instructed her to step forward, and for reason beyond any sane and rational explanation, she could not find it within herself to disobey. She treaded carefully, trying her best to avoid any stray candles lest her white nightgown go up in flames.

She reached the perimeter of the circle of blood and wax that surrounded him. He encouraged her to continue, but something inside her hesitated.

"I understand you have reservations," he spoke, finally, yet his voice was much deeper than she remembered it ever being. "As you should. Frankly, I'd be alarmed if you didn't."

"It's important you understand the repercussions of what you are about to do. Once we are rejoined, there is no turning back. We can never part. Is this understood?"

Despite the fact she understood very little about the current situation, she found herself nodding her head and continuing forward into the circle.

As soon as her foot made contact with the cold flooring within the circle, the candles flickered harshly, as though they were agitated by her very presence.

He beckoned her forth to come sit on his lap and she complied, letting out a squeak of shock as she felt his bare member hard against her clothed heat.

"You are the pinnacle of temptation." He began pressing kisses to the skin above the neckline of her nightie. She ran her hands through his hair and tugged at the roots gently, eliciting a small moan from him. "You are loveliness incarnate!"

"You're everything I dreamed you would be." She replied with the sweetest of smiles.

As lovely as his kisses were, she found herself needing more.

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