Dec the halls

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No One's POV

"While I was out at the mall" Shiro started, pulling a bag out and showing tinsel and decorations. "I bought a whole bunch of decorations. Thought it would be relaxing to set them up this evening." Lance grinned and almost squealed in delight. "Oh Shiro, this is amazing! I love setting up the decorations." Lance's bouncy voice jumped in excitement and he wiggled around in Keith's lap, left leg resting on the couch. 

He gasped, stars in his eyes as he turned to Shiro. "Did you get mistletoe? It's a huge thing back at my house and I love the tradition." Shiro grinned and pulled the plant out from somewhere in the bag, watching as Lance lit up as brightly as a Christmas tree did.  

"What types of... decorations are there?" Allura asked curiously, peering over to get a look inside the bag. "Just some simple things, I've got tree ornaments, lights, tinsel, reefs, mistletoe, and a few other small things to put up around the castle." 

Corran twirled his moustache in interest and Lance stood up. "Let's get started! I can't wait to get this all up, It'll look so amazing." Keith turned to Shiro with a sincere smile, happy that he'd be spending Christmas with such a wonderful family. He hadn't really had a family back on earth besides from his dad, who passed away. This was the first Christmas he'd be spending with his new family and he was excited about it. 

"I would also like to help in some way." Allura smiled warmly at all of them and Pidge took a few bits of tinsel out of the bag. "Do we even have a tree?" She asked with raised eyebrows, looking over at Shiro who rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Uh... No?" 

Pidge resisted the urge to face-palm at that and Hunk chuckled loudly. "Sorry guys. We can probably go down to one of the nearby planets and find a tree there though. Does anyone want to come with me?" Pidge adjusted her glasses and closed her laptop, making a small slam as it shut. "I can come with you, only so you won't get a tree too small."

"The bigger the better." Hunk pipped in, fist-bumping Pidge and standing up. "I'll come along too, sounds like fun." He added afterwards, looking over to Allura as she spoke. "I would also like to come as well. I have never done this before and I would love to hear more about the holiday on the way. Your customs are quite fascinating." 

They looked over at Lance and Keith who were still cuddled up on the couch and Lance nodded eagerly. "We should all go. It'll be fun." Keith groaned a little, wanting to stay indoors where it was nice and warm but also wanting to be with his boyfriend. "Fine. But only if I get a hot chocolate afterwards."

Lance planted a small kiss on Keith's cheek and stood up, feeling colder now that he wasn't cuddled up next to Keith. "I'm sure Hunk will make you one if you ask nicely." Hunk nodded and put his thumbs up. "I'll make one for everyone, It's basically treason to not have hot chocolate at Christmas time."

"What does treason mean?" Allura asked, making everyone go quietly beside from Shiro. "Nothing important, now let's go get that tree." 

It only took a couple of minutes to get to a planet with the correct trees, though they were a dusty blue in colour rather than the usual green of earth trees. Pidge had specifically picked out the planet because it was covered year-round in snow, and she thought it was a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. 

"It's so cold out here." Lance squealed as soon as they stepped outside, not needing their suits as the planet had oxygen. "I did tell you to bring a coat," Keith said with a smug look, one that Lance just rolled his eyes at. "Yeah, yeah. I should've listened to you." 

And then rather suddenly there was a freezing pressure slamming into his back, sending shivers all the way down his spine and making him yell. "Oops, sorry Lance. I was aiming for Keith." Shiro laughed as he spoke, saying the same words Lance had used before with a spore fight. 

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