Chapter 11

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Two people were jumping from a window...

One was a short girl, with blonde hair, and the other was a tall black haired male, covered in bandages.

"Stop right there!" A voice shouted, they seemed to be police man. The sounds of gun were firing, the noise was so loud...

The male was running with the girl... but... he got shot.

'That's not supposed to happen...' a voice said, it was Skye's own voice... she was telling herself something else was supposed to happen.

The man was laying there, coughing up blood, the girl was at his side.

"Zack...? Zack? Zack?!" The girl was shouting his name.

'Why isn't he waking up?!' The voice was speaking again.

"Zack! ZACK!"


"SKYE!" A voice shouted. Skye's eyes immediately popped open.

'Jax?' She wanted to say, but what came out was a choked sob.

"Are you alright? You look like a mess." Jax says.

Skye just continued to sob, she couldn't answer.

'Wait did I just make it worse?' Jax sighed and sat on the bed, beside her.

"What the hell are you crying about?" He asked.

"I-I don't know..." She mumbles in between cries.

"You don't know?" He mutters.

She nodded. "There was a guy and a girl... they were running from the police..." She choked out.

"Hold on... calm down. I can't understand you." He says calmly. "Take some breaths before speaking."

Skye nodded and took a deep breath. "They were running... and the guy got shot... and died... but it didn't feel like that was supposed to happen... it felt like they were both supposed to run away..."

"So you're crying because the guy died?" Jax asked.

"I guess so... I don't know..." Skye mumbles.

Jax sighed, standing up. "Well just get back to sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning... I'm going back to bed..."

"Wait!" Skye says, grabbing his arm and pulling him to her. "C-Can you just sit with me for a bit?"

"Huh?!" He muttered, very confused.

"You don't have to stay for long... just until I fall asleep... please." She says.

"Like a simple please will work on me."


And just then he sighed and sat next to her, putting his head on the headboard, while she subconsciously put her head on his shoulder. But... Jax didn't seem to mind it... he even laid his own cheek on the top of her head.

And just like that they stayed there, as if time had stopped. It felt nice... so they just sat there until they felt like one of them should leave.

But neither of them left... they both just let sleep overtake them, with their own warmth giving each other the very comfort and calmness they needed.


"Why did you do this to me, Jax...?" A voice said to the male.

Jax looked around and noticed a girl, Skye, to be exact, staring at him.

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