Chapter 5

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After a long night Skye had eventually went back to sleep and woke up the next morning. She had gotten dressed and looked at herself in the mirror. "Don't worry about what happened last night... today you're just going to hang out with Jax and have fun." She said confidently to reassure herself.

She smiled a bit and left her room. When she finished all her other morning deeds she grabbed her bag, put the strap around her shoulder and headed towards the door.

She opened the door only to notice someone about to ring the bell.

"Oh, Skye! Hey!" The male said, it was her red head friend, Logan.

"Oh Logan. It's you. What are you are doing here?" Skye asked, it's not that she wasn't glad to see him, it's just she really wanted to spend the day with Jax.

"I came by to hang out with you, duh!" Logan said with a grin.

"Oh, I see..." Skye says, 'looks like I can't get out of this, if I say I can't hang out at the moment it will obviously be a lie because I was already heading out the door... guess I can hang out with him for an hour and then hang out with Jax for the rest of the day. I really sound like a selfish jerk... but I already told Jax I'd go to his place today... it's kind of like I'm making my end of the bargain... even if I'm lying to my friend.' She thought, a small smile was then plastered on her face. "Alright, then let's go... I don't really have much time though."

"That's alright! I'm just glad I can hang out with you!" Logan said, happily. Skye smiled softly at her friend's joy, even if she was going to lie to him she was glad he was a bit happy.

"Well, let's go..." Skye says stepping on to the porch, closing the door behind her. "Where to?"

"Hmm the park maybe?" Skye froze for a moment, thinking about the events from yesterday.

"Do you mind if we go somewhere else...? Sorry I just don't feel in the mood for the park today..." Skye chuckled awkwardly.

"A-Ah! Yeah! Of course! As long as you're happy I am happy as well!" Logan says, a small blush on his face.

"Hmm alright, how about we get something to eat and then head to the library for a bit. I want to check out some of the books they have there." Skye says.

"Sounds good!" Logan says with a smile.


"Ugh! Where is she?" Jax groaned to himself. He was lazily sprawled out on the couch waiting for his friend to get to his place, but that seemed to be taking a while. "This is so boring..." He mutters.

He stared at the door, hoping that the girl would walk through it any moment. "What is she doing...?" He mutters. "Don't tell me..." he thought of worse case scenarios, such as 'What if the serial killer had gotten her while she was out yesterday? Or while she was walking here!' Or 'Did another pervert get a hold of her?!' All of those thoughts got him paranoid... after all she was his first real friend and he didn't want to lose her so soon.

"Ugh... Why am I worrying so much... she's almost an adult she can handle herself, right?" He mumbles before hitting himself with a pillow. 'Is this only because I'm anxious about asking her my question?' He thought to himself. 'Why am I an idiot at times like these...?' Jax sat up for a moment and put his head in his hands. "It's a simple yes or no question... so why am I stressing out over this?" He mutters. "Do I know you from somewhere? It's as easy as that."

He took a long, deep breath. "Well right now I can't do anything but wait... she's probably doing important shit right now..."


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