Freddy Krueger with a Kid

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Expect Dad jokes galore whether it's towards the kid or toyou.I'm assuming you mean with a kid after he got deep fried extra crispy, cause ifso expect him to teach that child how to prank people including you or tryingto teach the kid how to dream walk cause technically the child's part dreamdemon.You're gonna have to correct Freddy's teaching which is gonna be a fuckingstruggle, so good fucking luck.I think there's definitely gonna be arguments on how best to take care ofBullies, Freddy's tactic is to just kill them, your tactic is to handle it in amore humane way, unless you're on Freddy's side, I'm not here to judge.Lots of interrupted sex, let's be honest this applies to anybody with kids.Freddy's in the human world having sex? Interrupted. Oh you're going at it inthe Dream realm, that kid's gonna wake you up.Lastly if the kids anything like Freddy, in regards of being stingy andselfish, they would fight over your attention. It's up to you to decide if yourgonna back the kid or Freddy, or teach em a lesson.

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