Chapter III

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"Ok, but can we talk about how HOT Mr. Froyer is?" Alisa swooned, taking a loud sip of her triple caramel macchiato.

I rolled my eyes and stood from the table to retrieve my drink off the Starbucks counter. When I arrived back to the table, my blonde friend was still rambling on. Annalee looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Liss, we all know that you're secretly in love with Jonah," I joked, "I think he's MUCH more of your type."

My words ignited disgust in Alisa, and she pretended to throw up all over the table.
"I would NEVER date that bot. He's so up tight. I just can't do that," Alisa said, tracing her fingers on the metal table.

Alisa likely meant "bot" as a joke, but something about the word upturned my stomach. So I'm not the only one that notices. I decided that I would delve into further research later on.

My friends and I wrapped up our coffee outing and ventured out to the parking lot.

"Oh, by the way," Alisa poked my shoulder before walking to her car, "I'm going to Nikki's house later on tonight to get some help with the physics stuff. I'll bring the notes to class so we can finish tomorrow."

"Cool. Shouldn't I come too though? I don't want you to do all the work."

Alisa's gaze dropped to the ground nervously. "Um, well here's the thing," she scratched her head and laughed, "I asked her about that, and she said she doesn't really...want you to come? I don't remember the details but she basically doesn't know you well enough to have you come over."

The words made my chest sink, but I nodded it off. "It's fine! I understand. See y'all tomorrow!"


On my drive home, I played scenarios through my head of instances that might have diminished Nikki's trust in me. Nothing came to light.

I decided to drop the worries pulsing through my mind and focus on my research. I just couldn't drop my theories behind Jonah's shady mannerisms.

Deep down in my mind, I knew that I should mind my own business. The intriguing mystery of Jonah Daes was just too complex to lay down, however. My hunger for more knowledge engulfed any sense of not caring.

I locked the doors to my red Ford Ranger and walked up the rusty brick steps to my front door. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and a text from Alisa appeared.

otw to nikki's house now. wanna go out for fro yo afterwards? probs around 8:00 or so?

I smiled and typed a "yes" back before heading upstairs to my bedroom.

My mom wouldn't arrive home until after 6 today, due to her weekly staff meeting, which meant her large desktop computer would be free. I gathered up my pens and spiral notebook, which was practically falling apart at the seams due to months of random doodles and notes filling its pages.

I spread out my materials on the dark oak desk in my mom's office, and unlocked the broad computer with a few easy swipes. I scribbled "The Bot Theory" at the top of a blank page in my notebook. I'm going to get to the bottom of this .


I moved my tired gaze from my screen to the time on my phone. The bright 6:02 flashed in my eyes. I had been researching for nearly two hours.

I relaxed my back against the cushiony office chair and lazily scrolled through my notifications. A myriad of homework reminders appeared, and I groaned in disgust.

I set my phone down and flipped through the three pages of research I had concocted. I was dissatisfied, but I was more knowledgeable than before I had started.

I discovered more theories, similar to my own, about the existence of human AIs. None of them lead to definite conclusions, however.


Alisa's POV

I attempted to swallow the mild lump forming in my throat as I sat cross-legged on Nikki's living room couch.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" She asked in her typical monotone voice.

"No, I'm good, thanks," I smiled nervously, tapping my foot on the ground quickly. I would never admit this to the girls, but I was quite intimidated by Nikki myself. Though she was small, her square shoulders and confident stance never failed to stir fear in me.

"So," Nikki began, sitting on the couch to face me. She took a moment to push her board-straight, raven black hair in front of her shoulders. "I have a business inquiry for you."

My stomach turned uncomfortably at Nikki's unexpected words. I attempted to swallow my nerves and opened my mouth to respond, but I was cut off by the brass captain suddenly standing from the couch. 

"Come with me." 

"Nikki, does this have to do with phys-"

"No talking. Just follow me." 

The intense tone of her voice caused my veins to inflate with adrenaline. I felt my heartbeat pounding in my ears as I followed Nikki down the spacious hall. 

Once we reached the end of the hall, Nikki turned the handle of a small door that whined a long, high pitched creak. "Make sure you hold the railing on the way down. It's a bit uneven."

"Nikki, where are we-"

"Stop talking. You'll see."

My cheeks heated in frustration, and I attempted to take a few deep breaths to calm my rapid heartbeat. I gripped the cold metal railing tightly, following Nikki closely into the pitch black basement. 

After 20 steps or so, my feet finally hit flat ground. I twitched in surprise when Nikki gently placed her hand on my shoulder. "What you're about to see is top-secret. Nobody has ever laid eyes on this but me." Her tone was cold and forbidding. 

I gulped and nodded. "I understand." 

"This," Nikki began, reaching behind her to flip a switch on a panel, illuminating the entire room, "is my project." 

I couldn't help my jaw from dropping open at the sight; there were robot parts scattered all over the floor, and computers with research and vital charts lined the walls. Wires, chips, and surgical equipment lined the walls, and a medical operating table was positioned in the corner. 

And in the middle of it all, standing on top of a charging port, stood Jonah Daes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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