•april 5th•

81 10 1

Everything became weird with Jimin and Yoongi after the show. Yoongi could talk with Hoseok, but there was a tension. Jimin was avoiding Hoseok completely though. He talked about it with Jin, and Jin told him to leave him time. Of course, he didn't know about Jimin liking Yoongi.

"Hoseok! Come here." Yoongi's voice welcomed Hoseok when he entered the dorm. Yoongi was on his phone, visibly uncomfortable.

"Huh? What?" Hoseok sat besides Yoongi and looked at what he was looking at on his phone.


"Do you know about this?" Yoongi points to a post containing lewd YoonSeok fan art. Hoseok gets closer and blushes.

"U-Uh... I-I do." Hoseok looks down. He did tell Yoongi the truth, but it came out as stutters.

"Oh, you do? Why didn't you tell me?" Yoongi asks, nonchalantly.

"I-I was... embarrassed," Hoseok said the last part of the sentence quietly.

"What did you say?" Yoongi gets closer to Hoseok, making the younger blush.

"I was... Embarrassed..." Yoongi smirks.

"Cute." He ruffles Hoseok's hair and smiles. Hoseok looks down to hide his red face, but Yoongi grabs his chin and raises it.

At this moment, Jimin burst into the room.

"Yoongi-hyung! Where's my charger- Oh, sorry." Jimin closes back the door and the two boys stood there in silence for around 30 seconds, until Yoongi chuckled and left confused Hoseok alone in the dorm.

"I'll go see Jimin. He doesn't seem okay." Yeah, it's because he has a huge boy crush on you, you dumbass.

"Oh. Okay." Hoseok looks at Yoongi leaving the room. After a few minutes of silence, he decides to check up on them.

He enters the kitchen to see Jimin crying on the table with Yoongi trying his damn best to console him.

"Jimin! Don't cry!" Hoseok puts his hand on Jimin's back. Jimin mumbles incoherent sentences for a few minutes.

Hoseok looks up at Yoongi and signals him to help. Yoongi shrugs in response but obeys.

"Jiminie..." Jimin looks up and looks back down.

"Why are you crying?" Jimin flushes and remains silent, still crying.

Yoongi stares at Hoseok and stands up. "I-I'll call Jin-hyung." Yoongi pulls out his phone and composes a number.

"While Yoongi is talking with Jin (Yoongi is talking, Jin is actually screaming so loudly Hoseok can hear him from the other side of the kitchen) while Hoseok is trying to comfort Jimin, who is crying even louder.

A few minutes later, the boys hear aggressive knocking on the door and Jin's voice. "Aish! Open the door, you fucking morons!"

Yoongi walks carefully tip-toes towards the door, opens it and hides under a table, just in time for Jin to enter.

"Move. I said MOVE! What the fuck did you do to him?!" Jin glares at Hoseok.

"I-I'm s-sorry, f-fuck..." Hoseok starts crying. Jin shows no pity and starts screaming at him again but Hoseok can't hear anything. All he hears is ringing.

"What. Did. You. Do. Tell me, or I'm going to fucking hit you so hard your hair will catch on fire!" Hoseok finally opens his mouth, but nothing comes out.

"I-I can't s-say-y it if-if Y-Yoongi-hyung is h-here..." Jin turns his attention to Yoongi.

"You. Get out of here or I'll get you out." Yoongi obeys and runs to his dorm.

"Now what," Jin says, making Hoseok shiver. He looks at Jimin, who nods, signaling him that it's okay.

"Jimin likes Yoongi-hyung." Jin's face turns into a mix of relief and confusion.

"E-Excuse me, what?" Jin stares at Hoseok, who is sniffing and sobbing.

"I said that Jimin-ssi likes Yoongi! I thought you sounded like a mom, but now you being fucking deaf proves it totally!" Hoseok stands up and storms off.

"Hoseok! Get over here!" Hoseok ignores Jin and walks in his dorm, forgetting that Yoongi was already there.

"Woah. You okay? I heard screaming but I couldn't figure out what you guys were saying," Yoongi asks.


"I-I don't wanna-a talk about i-it." Yoongi stands up and hugs Hoseok.

"It's okay. It will pass. You know Jin, right? He's just mad. Don't worry." Yoongi's words calm down Hoseok, who stops crying.

"You wanna go talk to Jin and Jimin?" Hoseok nods and Yoongi grabs his hand leading him towards the kitchen, where he sees the two boys on the floor. Jimin seems better, which is good.

"H-Hey." Jin turns his head and glares at Yoongi. He stops when he sees Hoseok crying.

"Sorry. Yoongi, I gotta talk to you." Jin points Yoongi, then to his room. Yoongi follows Jin like a beaten dog and leaves Hoseok and Jimin alone.

"I-I'm sorry." Jimin looks down. "I shouldn't have cried like a baby. I got both of you in trouble. I feel bad." Jimin's looks make Hoseok sad.

"It's okay." Hoseok tries his best to smile.

"Hoseok, it's okay if you like Yoongi-hyung," Jimin says, leaving Hoseok astonished.

"W-What? Jimin, I don't-" Jimin puts a finger on Hoseok's lips.

"It's okay. I have no chances with Yoongi-hyung. He... He likes someone else," Jimin whispers calmly.

"H-He does?! Who is it?!" Hoseok gets his senses back.

"Aha! I knew it! Yoongi-hyung doesn't like anyone! I said that to see if you actually like him! And you do!" Jimin starts laughing. A fake laugh. A sad, almost crying laugh.

And Hoseok didn't like that laugh.

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