Chapter Eleven

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*Warning: descriptions of Gang rape and sex trafficking*

Jake finally arrived at the abandoned warehouse and rushed inside. It was dark and eerie and it sent chills down Jake's spine, but he had to save Logan. He ran and ran until he saw a dim light in the corner of his eyes. Jake headed towards that direction until he saw someone tied to a chair, that's when he realized it was Logan.

"LOGAN!" Jake called out and sprinted towards Logan. Logan glanced up and looked relieved to see Jake. A moment later, Jake was beside Logan and began to untie the ropes that tied his hands together and ripped the tape off his mouth.

"Oh my God Logan! I'm so glad you are okay!" Jake boasted in relief. Logan embraces Jake in his arms which melted Jake's heart. "Who did this to you Logan?" Jake asked.

Logan shrugged his shoulders and said "Just these 4 goons. I'm not sure what they wanted". Jake nodded his head and said "let's talk about that later, first let's get out of here".

Jake was about to run, but before he could he felt something hit him on the back of the head. He fell to the ground and his world went black.


About 10 minutes passed by and Jake returned into the conscious world. When he became aware of his surroundings he panicked. Jake was naked and tied to a table and laying on his stomach. The ropes spread Jake's arms and legs apart leaving him open and vulnerable.

"HELLO?! LOGAN?! HELP!" Jake cried out. Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from behind him. Five men circled him... one of them being Logan. "Logan?! Help me!" Jake panicked. That's when Logan looked at Jake and formed a sinister grin across his face. He knew there was something different about his brother, especially in the eyes... but he just couldn't figure it out.

"Logan has left the building Jakey" Ace responded. Jake was shocked and confused at Logan's response.

"What?! Logan this isn't funny! If this is some prank I...!" Jake shouted but was interrupted by Charles.

"He is not pranking you. In fact, we need to show you something" Charles uttered. That's when they showed Jake a video on the same iPad that they used to record Ace raping Jake in Logan's body. The video they were showing him consisted of the events that occurred before they contacted Jake. Jake watched the video of Charles intimidating Logan and then turning Logan into Ace and Charles asking him questions.

That's when Jake had tears in his eyes and felt ashamed as he looked at Logan who was now Ace. "L-Logan... I'm so sorry I didn't protect you from Andy. I was 6 and he was hurting me too and... I just didn't know how to process it as well as you did. Please forgive me Logan!" Jake begged while sobbing.

Suddenly Ace walked up to Jake and roughly slapped him across the face. "I said... Logan has left the building Jake!" Ace shouted while grabbing Jake's face and squeezing his cheeks. Jake's eyes were filled with terror as this monster was taking over Logan's body.

Ace released Jake and took a couple steps back. That's when Charles got down on Jake's level and invaded Jake's personal bubble by getting in his face. A moment later, Charles began to take deep sniffs of Jake's hair. "You smell like fear" Charles whispered seductively in Jake's ear.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU CREEP! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM LOGAN AND I?!" Jake shouted while struggling behind his bonds. Jake suddenly felt a group of greasy hands caressing the back of his body. It was Charles' henchmen feeling Jake up and saying obscene things about his body in which Jake cringed at.

"From Logan... nothing, but from you... we want to watch you burn in hell" Charles answered.

"Me?! What the fuck did I do?!" Jake snapped.

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