Peter Parker...
Peter Parker was gone...
He was the best thing to have ever come out of this world...
He deserved every good thing...
But he didn't want it...
He lost his parents...
He lost his uncle Ben
He lost his aunt...
He didn't even tell me she died...
He didn't Even trust me...
To tell me she was gone...
He should've stayed on the bus...
He shouldn't have come...
He should've never died...
He should've never felt his death...
His final words broke my heart...
What was he sorry for...
That will be the universes greatest question...
I'm sorry Peter...
I'm so so sorry...
Soul stone
ActionPeter Parker appears in a place that stretches miles, and miles to go on a journey with the other dusted avengers and Gaurdians... What happens when Peter Parker has the others wrapped around his finger... but what happens when the others take advan...