Poem Blank Face...

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I stare at the screen with a blank face, I read all of the hate with not one tear shed. I got hit today, but I didn't scream, I didn't even cry. I stode there with my blank face, my arms down. my face only holds a fake smile. I blink back my tears, as I get up from the gravel. I am sick of the torcher. I don't want to get out of bed. I want to slowly just die, stop drinking and eating, slowly just let my self die, I just want my body to stop. It's not that I want to die, I just want my pain to stop, and dying is the only way for no pain. Even with my blank face, cold stare, and emotionless tone. I just want everything to stop, I will always have feelings, I don't understand why I can't just life life without pain, happiness, sorror, joy, regret, excitment. why can I not just go one day without wanting to pray that i won't wake up the next morning? We are all going to die anyways so why not just end it sooner? why do I have to suffer through all of this? what did I ever do? I don't know. My Blank Face hides all my thoughts, feelings, cravings to be loved and happy, to feel wanted. but my blalke face wouldn't tell you that, my mouth won't either. As I stand here with my cold stare, thinking about death and asking myself the point of living you won't know because my thoughts, emotions, feelings, cravings, wants, they are all masked behind my blank face.

(By Me)

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