I witnessed The Creator form a bubble and within the bubble there developed multiple layers, starting with a tiny bubble within the center of the larger bubble. Layers formed around the tiny bubble. The final layer was the outer skin of the larger bubble. The Creator gave life to the bubble. Then the layers of the bubble entity began to rub against each other and cause a static charge. The entity eventually realized that if it compressed itself enough there was a moment of light. The entity would try to hold the light for as long as it could by compressing itself, The pressure became so great that enough heat cause the light to continuously glow and the very very first electron was born into existence!
ATOMS have evolved over billions of years and now those from many Atoms have the ability to project images before your very eyes to stir your imagination. Sometimes they are willing to show their world and provide an opportunity for you to interact them. For me they have projected images in thin air and all around my home. I certainly have seen some amazing things!
Take care to realize that they are very sensitive to noise. When I first started interacting with them I had to whisper until I got use to getting my voice in my head. After I could get my voice in my head they could hear my conscious thoughts. Those people that are alone a lot and in a quiet environment are most likely to be contacted. Well, I guess that would explains cabin fever. Some are good and some are bad. The bad once build germs, bacteria and viruses and will appear as evil spirits or demons. They will test you to see where your values are.
Some people irritate them and that is when the person has problems. Your imagination is like a theatre to them and you can entertain them or they will entertain you.
When I mention beings at the subatomic level and electrons I'm speaking of the ones that are apart of the biological format or in other words life in of itself. DNA is no different. Can you think of a better way for them to survive? Your DNA consist of millions of atoms. Within those atoms are multidimensional worlds, with civilizations of intelligent beings. Beings that take care of you, as long as you supply the material they need to make products and feed themselves. Now that you know this I hope you will take good care of yourself. You have a lot of mouths to feed!

Ficțiune științifico-fantasticăWHAT IS A PROPHET? It's a person that can calmly sit while having a psychotic episode and write about it (or) to be gifted with the ability to experience other planes of existence. First I asked for it in meditation. Then I had to go through extrem...