Chapter Seven - April

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I woke up first, as usual. I went to the bathroom, making sure I did some type of facial process after yesterday. Once I was finished, I got back into bed not shocked that me moving around didn't even make DJ budge. I grabbed my phone to check the time; as soon as I clicked it on it turned from 10:29 to 10:30 and an alarm went off. Dinah sat up on her arms to find her phone, pressed the screen so it could stop, then immediately flopped back down to go back to sleep.

I shook my head, assuming that it was a mistake since she never had alarms set. I unlocked my phone further, this time going to Instagram. I was only a couple of pictures in when her alarm went off again. She smacked her teeth, sitting up to turn the phone off again before she laid back down. I just laughed at her getting angry over alarms she clearly set.

I brung my attention back to Instagram, scrolling past a picture of myself that I hadn't seen before. I went back up to it to see that it was Dinah who posted it yesterday. A red heart and a crown was all that was in the caption. I smiled even though I tried to fight it, before liking it and commenting under it "aw you must like me or something 🥰". I clicked on the comments to see what others had said when her alarm went off yet again. She huffed as I turned to her confused.

"What you got all these alarms set for?"

"To wake up."


She took a second to answer because she was still focused on trying to go back to sleep.


"Are you going to?"


But she didn't flinch. I laughed to myself, going back to my phone and clicking on the comments of the picture. It was a mixture of her friends leaving the same red heart emoji or the 100 emoji and girls either happy for her or sad she was taken. Her alarm going off again made me snap a little.

"You better get up cause I'm not doing no more of these 60 second alarms."

"Shut up."

She said as she turned the alarm off again, rolling over and wrapping her arms around my hips as she laid her head on my leg.

"What you doing bro?"

"Seeing what your hoes thought of my picture."

She chuckled, stretching but without fully moving off me.

"Fuck them. Don't nobody care what they think."

"Yeah right."

"You wildin'."

She rolled back off of me, sitting up.

"Get dressed."


"I'm taking you somewhere."

I put my phone down as she flipped the cover off of both of us.

"That's why your alarms was set?"


She stood up and fake jogged to the bathroom.

"Get dressed!"

After we both got ready, we walked down to her car. When she got in, she pulled her gun from her pants, setting it in her lap as she messed around on her phone.

"I'm a need you to not just have your Beretta sitting out in broad daylight."

"How you know it's a Beretta?"

"Is it not?"

She laughed, taking the gun and tucking it in the crevice of her seat and the door.

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