Chapter 14

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Y/N's P.O.V.


"Ein.. call Y/N over.."


"Y-Y/N.. Michael needs you.."


"NO! P-Please! S-Stay away!"


"Y/N... I.. love.. you.."



Haah.. Haah.. Haah.. I heavily breathed.. Its just a dream.. I placed my palm on my forehead and looked around.. "I'm still here.." I softly whispered to myself and got out of the bed.. I glanced at the couch.. It wasn't faced on me so its terrifying to know if he is gone..

I stood up and walked towards the couch.. every step I take gives me a big thump on the chest.. it hurts but I had to endure..  I feel like time is slowly ticking by.. the thudding of my foot on the wooden floor makes me sweat even more.

As I reached the couch.. I slowly checked behind it.. Ein was there.. I felt relieved.. I sighed and looked up.. what am I doing? That nightmare gave me the sudden chill for some reason..I remember every detail of it, each second that happened.. I remember..

If I say that's the future I'm hella crazy.. I smiled and looked down to admire Ein's sleeping face.. he looks peaceful.. well, a different kind of peaceful its more like a child kind of peaceful.. That cringe. I don't know how to describe it but THAT peaceful. Yee.. lets forget that I've thought of that..

"Y../N..?" Ein said as I snapped out of my thoughts. His eyes are opened.. "Goodmornin'" I said as he rose up from the couch.. "What time is it?" he groaned as he placed his palm on his left eye, then rubbed it.. "Dunno, I just woke up." I replied as I walked towards my luggage..

"By the way.. today might be the last day we see each other.." he said as I flinched and continue towards my luggage.."Why?" I asked as I opened it and grabbed clothes.. "We-- no I have tasks to do." he answered as I looked at him.. "Then, can I help ?" I asked .. "I don't know.. maybe we will have separated tasks?"

"Alright.." I headed to the bathroom and took a bath and stuff.. The last Day huh?... I don't know what he's talking about but I guess that's that..


I walked out of the bathroom and saw Ein dressed up.. he was in his gray hoodie and black pants.. his casual outfit.. He's in a hurry I guess.. "Where are you going?" I asked.."To take you to Michael.. he is the one who delivers the tasks..." he said as he pocketed his hands and turned around.. "Lets go.. oh and take your luggage with you.." he said ..

I nodded and approached the doorway, I took my luggage and he took his bag.. I followed him to a high large building.. It's unlike the other buildings because it had more glass stuff in it.. more like a company building but modified..

I followed Ein all the way to somewhere really unfamiliar..and wow.. Michael is really rich.. I wonder on why he freaking lives in a cabin but that doesn't matter.. we entered a room with two bodyguards outside and yeah..

We saw Michael in a office suit? "Okay old man.. give us the task so we can get out of here." Ein said in a different tone and crossed his arms.. Michael pulled out a green potion behind him and touches it preciously.. Okay.. that's definitely weird.. I looked around and saw a normal rich dude would have....

"Take this. Y/N." Michael said as I looked at him.. I have to take that gooey green juice? Ew... Its a task so okay. I approached him with my normal look since its very disrespectful to give him a disgusted look.. I drank the gooey green juice and felt my head aching..

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