New story part 14

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Karin:" kazune kun?!"

Kazune(face scribbled):" yea?"(yawns)

Yoru(laughs):" buhahahaha!"

Himeka:" kazune chan..."(laughs)

Kazune:" eh?"(looks in the mirror)

Yoru:" oops..."

Kazune:" yoru!!!!"(pissed)

Yoru(jumps out the window):" kazune kun you have to be more alert ya know?"

Himeka rolls to the ground:" ahahaha....kazune kun's face...."

Karin(chuckles)" kazune kun hurry wash that off...we gotta go to school already...."

Yoru:" Karin chan...."(kiss forehead)

Himeka(pissed):" yoru kun!"(hits yoru's head)

Yoru:" ouch! sorry okay?...please stop that himeka chan....."(teary)

Himeka(blush):" kawaiii....."

Karin:" uhm.....this is ridiculous...."

Kazune:" Karin! what did yoru do to you?!"(gropes)

Karin:" uwah! what are you doing?!"

Kazune:" checking!"

Karin:" checking?!...."

Kazune:" it grew by a cm...."

Karin:" what?!"

Kazune:" did you gain weight?"

Karin(embarrassed):" kazune!"(punch)

Kazune:" that's mean....i was just asking...."

Karin(pissed):" hmph!"

Yoru:" o.o kazune kun you reached your end...."

Kazune(punch):" shut up!"

Yoru(dodge):" hehe....buwah!"(bumps into a tree)

Kazune(giggles):" try harder next time....yoru...."

Himeka:" a lot of funny things sure are happening today....why is there an egg on kazune's ring?"

Kazune:" yoru!"

Door bell rings

Kazune:" it must be that guy let me handle this..."

Sensei:" kujou kun I would like to...."(gets hit by kazune)

Himeka:" ah..."

Kazune:" eh?"

Karin:" wah!"

Micchi:" kazune kun what are you doing?! hitting the teacher like that."(laughs)

Yoru(giggles):" ahahaha!"

Kazune slams door:" that did not just happen...."

Karin:" your recklessness has halved our life span...."

Himeka:" what should we do?!"

Kazune(smirks) :"let's change the story..."

Karin:" eh?"

Sensei:" ah...what happened to me...."(wakes up)

Kazune:" sensei a wild cat I was chasing away pounded on to you fainted....are you alright now?!"

Sensei:" yea....that stray cat! coming to my student house is unacceptable!"

Kazune(relieves):" phew...."

Karin(shocked):" unbelievable!

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